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A62: Farmers lift blockade in two weeks, highway gradually reopens

After almost two weeks of mobilization, the movement will be able to resume. The A62 motorway reopened on Sunday evening in the direction of Bordeaux-Toulouse after farmers removed barriers they had erected on February 20 between Agen and Montauban, the prefecture said.

Traffic should also be restored on the Toulouse-Bordeaux route later Sunday evening, the press release said. The Prefecture reminds that the Valence d’Agen and Castelsarrasin traffic intersections in Tarn-et-Garonne remain closed.

Before reopening, Vinci Autoroutes confirmed it had to carry out “cleaning of junctions where the damage is particularly significant”. In a press release, the road manager highlighted the “significant volumes of debris and large items of all types (about 100 m3 of tires, pieces of scrap metal, crushed stone, straw bales, agricultural slurry, etc.) that must be evacuated.”

Autoroutes du Sud de la France (ASF), a subsidiary of Vinci, “deplores this unacceptable violence and deplores the obstruction of traffic, due to which thousands of users were punished for more than a month (and) filed a complaint”, writes again Vinci.

On February 20, four days before the opening of the Agricultural Exhibition, farmers blocked traffic on the A62 for about 70 km. At the end of January, the Coordination of Rural Areas of Lot-et-Garonne had already blocked the A62 motorway near Agen for almost a week.

Even before the Agricultural Show opened, farmer mobilization that began in January had already led to government commitments ranging from hundreds of millions of dollars in emergency aid to promises of shock relief.

The show, which ended on Sunday, provided an opportunity to introduce new promises. In response to FNSEA’s insistence, Emmanuel Macron, among other things, pledged to recognize agriculture as “the fundamental common interest of the French nation”; in response to the question “Coordination in rural areas”, he mentioned the “emergency cash flow plan”; and, by appealing to the Peasant Confederation, opened the debate on “minimum prices”.

Source: Le Parisien

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