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Chila Jatun returns to the musical scene and confirms her first concert at the Gran Teatro Nacional

After two years of absence, Chila Jatun confirmed his return to Peru to perform, for the first time, on the stage of the Grand National Theater of Lima. In this staging, the Cochabamba group will seek to captivate the public with its musical proposal that combines tradition and contemporary Bolivian folklore.

The concert will be next March 13, starting at 8 pm and will also feature the participation of Peruvian artists such as: Ruby Palomino, Dilio Galindo from the group Antología and Mauricio Mesones. Tickets for the show are on sale at Teleticket.

As is known, Chila Jatun (“little giants”) has had a 17-year artistic career and is made up of Gonzalo Hermosa Camacho (musical director), Jonathan Hermosa (voice and snort), Huáscar Hermosa (second guitar), Ulises Hermosa Fernández (first guitar) and Luis Medrano Hermosa (charango), all of them sons and nephews of the Hermosa González “Kjarkas”, of Gonzalo, Wilson and Elmer.

The group is completed by Luis Hinojosa Heredia (bass) and Branly Yáñez (drums), the latter son of Eduardo Yañez, former drummer of Kjarkas.

Currently, Chila Jatun has released five albums from which huainos, caporales, salays and tinkus are released. Among the most popular in our country are songs like “Nawpaq warmisitay”, “Bella mujer”, “Yana ñawi”, “Amor de caporal”, “Ojitos de luna” and more.

It should be noted that this will not be Chila Jatun’s first time, since they have previously arrived in Peru to perform in Lima, Huancayo, Cusco, Puno, Tacna and Huaraz. Now, the group returns to review their career at the Grand National Theater.

Source: Elcomercio

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