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French origin of products: a third of the 2,000 establishments inspected show “anomalies”

The issue has been at the center of the angry farmers’ movement. Is the French origin of the products displayed on supermarket shelves still certain? The Economy Ministry said Wednesday that 683 establishments out of 2,000 monitored by its services presented “anomalies” regarding the French origin of their food products, according to a press release.

At the beginning of February, Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire said that 10,000 checks on the French origin of products would be carried out in 2024 by the Directorate General for Competition, Consumption and Fraud Prevention (DGCCRF).

“About 2,000 checks have already been carried out at all stages of distribution: anomalies have been identified in 683 establishments,” with checks covering “all raw and fresh food products, especially in the fruit and vegetable sector, meat and alcoholic beverages,” Bruno said. Le Maire and Business Minister Olivia Gregoire made the announcement on Wednesday.

“In total, 683 establishments are in anomalies. Businesses whose non-compliance is a result of ignorance of the rules will be sent 413 warnings,” it is specified. “For the most serious violations, 130 requests for compliance in the form of an injunction will be filed, 2 administrative fines will be imposed and approximately 150 criminal reports will be sent to the courts.” , continues Bersi.

Deceptive Business Practices

It recalls that “Frenchization” – that is, “claiming the French origin of products such as fruits and vegetables, meat, which is not so” – “constitutes a deceptive commercial practice, punishable by up to two years’ imprisonment and deprivation freedom for up to two years.” a fine of 300,000 euros for individuals and up to 10% of turnover for legal entities.”

In these proven cases of “francization,” “the consumer is deceived, pays too much, and may be disappointed by the quality of the product; French manufacturers suffer from unfair competition, unfairly lose markets and cannot develop,” the ministry adds.

In February, Bruno Le Maire already announced that 1,000 establishments had been checked to ensure that the products they sold were of French origin, and that 372 establishments were not complying. “DGCCRF monitoring will continue through 2024,” the press release clarifies.

Source: Le Parisien

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