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Brittany maintains one of the lowest unemployment rates in France

Illustration of a gwenn ha du, Breton flag, during a demonstration in Nantes. – S. Salom Gomis / SIPA

The figures unveiled by INSEE this Thursday do not take into account the exceptional year we are living. But they confirm what we already knew. With an unemployment rate established at 6.7% at the end of 2019, Brittany is the region of France where this rate is the lowest, with the Pays de la Loire. A trend established since 2003 and which does not change. While the region has suffered from various crises, it is still less affected by employment problems. In the last quarter of 2019, its unemployment rate was 1.4 points lower than the national average.

However, this regional data conceals significant inequalities. Renowned for its historically low unemployment rate, the Vitré sector remains the champion of employment with a rate of 4.4%. Two other areas of the region are qualified as “full employment”: Lamballe, in the Côtes d’Armor (5.3%), and Fougères (5.5%) are also part of the 25 French territories where these rates are the lowest. Conversely, the sectors of Brest, Saint-Brieuc, Carhaix de Guingamp and Lorient show rates above 7%. However, the latter is the only one to post a lower rate compared to the good period of 2007.

Brittany can also be happy to have resisted the economic crisis of the coronavirus rather well. The strong presence of the food industry has enabled the region to record a 31% decline in its economy, five points below the French average.


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