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Why the health crisis is a boost for the training of certain employees

An employee who is trained remotely. – Pixabay

  • Some employers have benefited from their employees teleworking and having less transport time during confinement to train them.
  • Companies have also benefited from state aid to train employees in partial employment.
  • And the health crisis was an opportunity for many workers to familiarize themselves with their Personal Training Account (CPF).

This is one of the few positive aspects of the health and economic crisis. With confinements, teleworking and the use of partial unemployment, most employees have had more time. Enough to seize training opportunities, allowing them to develop their skills to boost their careers. “After the shocking effect at the start of the first confinement, companies felt the need to continue training their employees,” observes Claude Burette, coach at Oasys Mobilization. “We noted that training was maintained in the spring and strong demand from our customers in the last months of 2020,” also notes Mathilde Bourdat, Training Offer and Expertise Manager at Cegos.

Organizations, which massively offered face-to-face training, of course had to adapt: ​​“The first confinement was an accelerator in the digitization of the offer. Before, 18% of the courses offered were in distance. From now on, they are 50% ”, observes Claire Pascal, vice-president of the FFP (Federation of vocational training). This allowed them to respond to many requests. “There has been a strong demand for training to enable employees to adapt to the new working conditions induced by the crisis. Like those relating to management in teleworking, remote project management, e-business… ”, indicates Mathilde Bourdat.

Training for employees in partial activity

“Many companies have trained their employees in collaborative tools such as Zoom, Slack, Klaxoon, etc.”, adds Laurence Breton-Kueny, vice-president of ANDRH (National Association of HRDs). “The demands for management training have tripled between May and July compared to last year. In particular on soft skills (interpersonal communication, problem solving, project design, etc.) Some employers have chosen to train several employees at the same time, so that they can maintain a link during this period of teleworking ”, also testifies Claude Burette. “And because of the confinements and isolation of some employees, managers are trained in the field of psychosocial risk prevention and stress management,” adds Claire Pascal.

In addition, employers who had to place certain employees in partial activity were able to benefit from FNE-Formation (National Employment Fund), allowing the State to cover costs at 100% (until November 1) and at 70% * after this date. “As of November 15, this device had already benefited 320,000 employees who had chosen short training, not certifying and very operational,” observes Claire Pascal. Employees take the opportunity to train in a wide variety of fields: management, commercial relations, digital, professional efficiency, office automation, languages, etc.

The better known and more widely used CPF

The health crisis is also an opportunity for many employees to familiarize themselves with their Personal Training Account (CPF). “The human resources departments take advantage of this period to communicate again with their employees on this subject. Especially since they have until June 30, 2021 to switch the credit for hours accumulated until 2014 under the individual right to training (DIF) to their CPF. This period is also an opportunity to organize remote professional interviews, in which the subject of skills development is also discussed, ”says Laurence Breton-Kueny.

According to the Caisse des Dépôts, which manages the CPF, in one year, one million training sessions have been funded through this. The most requested are the B permit, help in setting up a business, the skills assessment, the Tosa (certification of IT and digital skills), the Toeic (English level), training in handling, shopping… “And one of the virtues of the CPF is that it allows training to be democratized. Because two thirds of those who have used it are workers, employees or technicians, ”notes Claire Pascal.

It remains to be seen how the training market will evolve next year: “We will have a return of requests for face-to-face training, because employees are fed up with the distance”, predicts Claire Pascal. “With the crisis, the demand for training dedicated to jobs in stress may increase,” said Mathilde Bourdat.

* For employees placed in partial long-term activity, the coverage rate is 80%, with an average ceiling of 6,000 euros per employee per year.


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