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Seine-Maritime: ExxonMobil employees go on strike to protest 677 job cuts

There was a strike on Wednesday at the ExxonMobil petrochemical plant in Port Jerome, near Le Havre (Seine-Maritime), after announcing the elimination of 677 positions, unions told us.

“Since Friday 24 May” there has been a “strike movement” at the site “to oppose the plan to cut 677 positions announced recently,” Christophe Aubert, a spokesman for the central CGT union, told AFP.

ExxonMobil announced on April 11 that it would reduce its operations in Port-Jerome-sur-Seine, in the commune of Notre-Dame-de-Gravechon, as well as the planned sale through its subsidiary Esso France of several sites in Rhône Energies. .

video‘We are being attacked for our right to strike’: Esso-ExxonMobil employees still on strike

“The management does not want to reconsider the reduction of jobs, does not want to reconsider the future organization of work at the plant. “However, “the support and financial measures of the Employment Protection Plan (PSE) are insufficient,” assessed Christophe Aubert, adding that “the management indicates that there is almost no room for maneuver.”

Dialogue “totally broken”?

“We have been negotiating since May 23,” ExxonMobil management in France told AFP. “We are not returning to the closure project, but the dialogue has not been broken. “Despite our proposals for retirement and severance pay, the unions have unilaterally decided to continue the strike,” the source added, saying they wanted “quality social dialogue.”

But for trade unionist Christophe Aubert, “the dialogue is completely interrupted.” 50 staff were on strike during the morning shift, polypropylene production is “completely stopped”, polyethylene production is “likely to stop” and the entire steam cracker unit, the heart of the Gravenchon petrochemical plant, is subject to “minimum flow rates”. installation,” said the trade union activist.

The notice was given until 22:00 on Thursday and will be “extended if necessary” by employees and inter-union CGT, Force Ouvrière and CFDT.

Between January and March 2024, American oil and gas giant ExxonMobil achieved a turnover of $83.1 billion (-4% year on year), while net profit fell from 28.1% to 8.2 billion, mainly due to a decrease margins in oil refining and refining. falling prices for natural gas.

Source: Le Parisien

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