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“There are no more risks”: after a long silence, why influential people are taking a position on the Gaza war

Amid widespread condemnation of Israel’s strikes on the Rafah refugee camp on Sunday, the Instagram story did not go unnoticed. This is Squeezie, the second YouTuber in France to share journalist Hugo Decrypt’s video of the deadly IDF bombing. For the first time since October 7, an influential person with tens of millions of followers spoke out about the war in Gaza.

Several well-known content creators in France, such as Just Riad or Antoine Daniel, have already taken a position on this conflict. But Squeezy, like other celebrities such as Zinedine Zidane, Francois Civil, the in-form Thibault and Nabilla, has become the target of the US “blockout” movement, which aims to block the accounts of stars who do not support Palestine. He decided, like other influential people in recent days and weeks, to break his silence. How can we explain this change of direction?

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Source: Le Parisien

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