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2024 Taxes: It’s Not Too Late to Fix Your Tax Return

The tax return has been completed. In theory, if you have not done so, the online declaration platform at will remain open until June 26th. But keep in mind that you are theoretically still subject to the 10% increase when applying for a deferment without formal notice.

Tax notices will arrive between July 24 and August 2 in your personal space at Those still receiving a paper notice will sometimes have to wait until late August to find it in their mailbox. And if you discover an error or inaccuracy in the data provided to the tax authorities, do not panic. There will still be time to change things, either by entering income, a credit or tax cut you forgot about, or simply changing certain amounts.

The online correction service will open its doors from July 31 to December 4 inclusive to correct erroneous or missing information. Please note that it is not possible to change certain items related to marital status, such as marital status, tax residence address as of January 1, 2024, etc. Once the changes are recorded, “a new tax notice will be issued once your adjustment notice has been processed.” . declarations,” the tax authorities specify.

Until the end of 2026 to apply

If you filed a paper tax return, which by definition you cannot amend online, or if you did not make changes while the correction service was open, there is a final solution. “You can submit a “complaint” until December 31 of the second year after the collection indicated in the tax notice,” indicates the platform Therefore, the claim period will end on December 31, 2026 for 2023 income taxes collected in 2024.

There are two solutions for this. Online, through secure messaging in your personal account, by clicking “I’m reporting an error in my tax calculation” and then “My request is about income taxes or social security contributions.” Or by mail addressed to your public finance center. “Your letter must include your last name, first name, address and handwritten signature, the designation of the applicable tax, your tax number and the reason for your complaint,” the tax authorities indicate. And also indicate that you must attach any supporting documents useful for processing the complaint.

Source: Le Parisien

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