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Legislative branch: 485 candidates received majority support, 67 districts remained in favor of the “Republican arc”.

In the first round of legislative elections scheduled for June 30, there will be no candidate with a presidential majority in each district. According to the lists collected on Monday, the outgoing presidential majority nominated 485 candidates. Of the 92 unfilled constituencies, including foreign ones, the Macronists say they deliberately left 67 without a candidate from their ranks, since they are “reserved for the republican arc.”

In detail, 483 candidates appear on the list of the presidential Renaissance party, to which are added two contenders announced on Monday evening by Horizons, the party of Edouard Philippe: Yannick Favennec in Mayenne and Philippe Dunoyer, who until now sat in the Renaissance party in New Caledonia.

“We believed that a useful vote to combat the excesses from the first round lay elsewhere, and that we should turn to other elected officials. Our political goal remains the same: to prevent the victory of the candidate from the two blocs (LFI and allies, RN and allies), where possible,” Renaissance explained on Monday morning.

The fate of the choice of the Liot group

Thus, many of the outgoing LR MPs will not face a majority candidate such as Virginie Duby-Muller, Emilie Bonnivard, Michel Tabarot, Nicolas Faurissier or even Julien Dive, the latter who nevertheless voted to censure the government in March 2023. Mayor L. “Ail-les-Rose (Val-de-Marne) by Vincent Jeanbrun, invested by LR, also received the support of the presidential camp.

In accordance with the agreement concluded in the Hauts-de-Seine, the electoral department of Gabriel Attal, the LR Philippe Juven will also not have a competitor in the majority number. The majority also supports the right against former PS minister Jerome Cahuzac, who represents himself in Lot-et-Garonne. “They were looking for the candidate to the end,” assures a source in the party.

The same goes for PS deputies such as Jérôme Guedge, Dominique Potier or Cécile Untermeyer, who voted to censure the pension reform. There are also candidates from other parties who were ultimately invested in the Ensemble’s presidential coalition. This is especially true in Seine-et-Marne, where Thomas Janz (UDI) is pitted against PS first secretary Olivier Faure.

The majority also accorded a special fate to the centrist Lyot group at the initiative of this censorship: Bertrand Pancher, Charles de Courson, Benjamin Saint-Huile, Christophe Negelin, Pierre Morel-A-L’Huissier, Jean-Louis Bricoux, Martine Froger, Laurent Panifous and David Topiak will not face competition from the candidate nominated by the presidential camp.

“You have to be able to turn pages”

“If we say we’re creating a new majority with new governance, we have to know how to turn the pages,” the majority spokesman explained. 67 districts where Macroni “pays attention”? “It’s not necessarily a questionrepublican arch. Between foreign countries and constituencies where no one wants to go because the current president invincible…,” says a source familiar with the progress of the negotiations.

Illustration in Corrèze, where François Hollande, widely criticized for joining an alliance with the LFI, has no candidate opposing him. Silent support? “Oh, no!” responded Gabriel Attal on Monday, declaring his support for the right-wing candidate, retiring MP Francis Dubois, as “most capable” of defeating the “extremes”. In this district, Majority Representative Christophe Jerretis, elected in 2017 and defeated in 2022, “didn’t want to leave”, nevertheless confirms the direction of the macroni.

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Most graduates return to Renaissance. However, the Parisian MP Gilles Le Gendre was not reinvested, the party favoring Jean Lossuc, an LR councilor for Paris close to the mayor of the 7th arrondissement, Rachida Dati. Thus, the former president of the Macronist group in the Assembly (2018-2020) is running without a label.

In Aina, the presidential party finally nominated Nathalie Descourt against Damien Abad, former LR, short-lived minister of Emmanuel Macron, elected under the Renaissance label in 2022 and accused of attempted rape.

More than 80 Horizons candidates

Despite the fact that Horizons is a member of the coalition, it decided to “fly its own flag” and presented its candidates to the prefecture on its own behalf, explained Edouard Philippe. The former prime minister’s party backed 82 candidates in its list released on Monday evening. The constituency is a point of contention in Val-de-Marne, with Horizons supporting LR Saint-Maur-des-Fossés mayor Sylvain Berrios over retiring Renaissance MP Frédéric Decrozail.

The Ministry of Democracy, for its part, has 85 candidates, in addition to the support given to the MP for Charente-Maritime Olivier Falorny, who was christened by the Ensemble but who insists on being classified as a “various leftist.”

Source: Le Parisien

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