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Households in demand for personal services

Households in demand for personal services

Households in demand for personal services

It is often in the darkest times that we refocus on what is really essential. Taking care of your elders, relieving your family from daily chores or supporting your children in their need for learning is all the more at the heart of general concerns since the Covid-19 pandemic has damaged our lifestyles.

Instead of weakening the sector, this crisis has strengthened the development of personal services, by highlighting certain basic needs of families.

A fundamental trend

The first sector to create jobs, personal services have experienced tremendous growth for several years. Through 26 activities recognized by the authorities, this market has become essential, whether it is to facilitate their daily lives by taking care of household chores or to support specific audiences such as children and the elderly or disabled. According to institutional specialists, this fundamental movement should also create more than 500,000 jobs over the next five years. And the health crisis is far from having changed the trend.

At the top of the list, services dedicated to the elderly continue to pull the sector up. In 2019, an Ifop survey recalled that 85% of French people wanted to age at home. Unsurprisingly, seniors therefore appear to be the most demanding home help, according to data from the finance law for 2021. The rate of use reaches 16.9% for those aged 70 to 79 and up to 33. , 7% for those over 80 years old.

It is understandable why specialized organizations like Keradom are increasing recruitment campaigns targeting life assistants and other auxiliaries, while Aladom, a site for connecting individuals and service providers, saw the request for quotes concerning the assistance. seniors jump 138% in 2020.

The youngest beneficiaries targeted

Certain sectors such as cleaning, ironing and upkeep of the living environment have also been boosted by the health crisis in response to the need for cocooning. These services were also missed by their users during periods of confinement, as an Ifop survey for Aladom published in March 2021 found. households (77%) and teachers of leisure activities (76%), but also for home course providers (70%).

Disruption of the schools, colleges and high schools program requires, requests for academic support have skyrocketed. At the start of 2021, the ProntoPro platform, specializing in connecting professionals and individuals, noted an increase in course requests of 20%, with a notable explosion for English (+ 77%) and mathematics (+ 34%) .

Finally, if childcare has suffered from successive confinements and the democratization of teleworking, the sector has given rise to a good number of new vocations, as evidenced by the 76% increase in requests for training for the CAP accompanying early childhood education. , registered for 2020 on the specialized site


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