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DolarToday Venezuela: How much is the dollar priced at? Today, Monday, November 15, 2021

Lima, November 15, 2021Updated on 11/15/2021 11:44 am

The price of the dollar was trading down on Monday at Venezuela According to DolarToday, after the NGO Médicos Unidos reported that the South American country accumulated 792 deaths of health personnel due to COVID-19.

Today the price of the dollar stood at 4.54 sovereign bolivars in the informal market in Venezuela, a lower level of 0.22% compared to 4.55 units at the close of last Friday, according to data from the DolarToday portal.

Venezuela has accumulated 792 deaths among health personnel since the pandemic began, due to causes associated with COVID-19, after 13 deaths were added between October 28 and November 14, according to the NGO Médicos Unidos.

“Information is received on 13 new deaths of health personnel with criteria for covid-19 to reach 792, while official spokesmen report 5,026 total deaths in the country,” the organization said on its Twitter account.

According to NGO records, the entity with the highest number of deceased health personnel is Zulia with 155, followed by Caracas with 108, Carabobo with 72, Bolívar with 64, Aragua with 48, Anzoátegui with 45 and Lara with 39.

The rest of the states registered less than 30 deaths of health personnel due to covid-19, according to the NGO.

With information from EFE


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