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The sequel to “Sex and the City” is revealed in a first trailer

“They say some things never change, but life is full of surprises. “The proof, more than 20 years after the start of the series, and after six seasons and two films, Sex and the city is back for” a new chapter “of ten episodes on December 9 on HBO Max in the United States. For France, we will have to wait to have a broadcaster and a date. But even French and English-speaking viewers can enjoy the first trailer for And Just Like That…, unveiled last Friday.

If these images do not allow to know more about the history, or the explanations for the absence of Kim Catrall in Samantha, they announce a moving reunion, with the trio Sarah Jessica Parker, Cynthia Nixon and Kristin Davis, of course , but also with Chris Noth in Mister Big, David Eigenberg in Steve or the late Willie Garson in Stanford. Among the newbies, series fans will recognize, for example, Sara Ramirez from Grey’s Antomy.


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