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An economic development agency, when and for what?

It was a campaign promise from Michaël Delafosse (PS) during the municipal elections in Montpellier. Announced a year ago, the city’s economic development agency, led by Alex Larue, LR candidate during the last municipal elections, should see the light of day in 2022. “A structuring and innovative tool to meet the challenges of ’employment, social and ecological transition’, evokes the mayor.

To achieve this, it must “position itself as an urban pole of entrepreneurship and innovation”, considers Hind Emad, vice-president of the economy, “on the scale of the large catchment area” (from Sète to Alès), to “identify common challenges”. From Sète to Alès, Montpellier wishes to broaden its scope in order to reflect on a territorial basis.

“Cultivate the entrepreneurial spirit in the living area”

“Our territories are complementary, we want to initiate a new dialogue between economic players with neighboring communities and the Occitanie region”, continues the elected, also director of the start-up Faciligo.

Promoting “innovation” and “creating jobs that cannot be relocated” are the goal of this agency. “The Agency, in conjunction with the territories, will actively cultivate the entrepreneurial spirit in the catchment area and detect the best ideas, projects and talents wherever they are”.

The roadmap is considered “far too vague” for the opponent Alenka Doulain (DVG). “You took a year to take stock. This project, in the eyes of the elected representative We are, is symptomatic of “the lack of anticipation” of the majority. “We do not know anything about the sectors of the future that we are going to develop. A We are, we are proposing a development around solar energy, thermal renovation and the bicycle industry ”.

“The agency should not be a whim to give yourself a clear conscience”

Structure, financing, mode of governance, signature of partnerships… Many points still need to be clarified before the effective creation of this economic development agency. While he is pleased with its creation and its objectives in terms of job creation, Serge Guissepin, president of the “Le Cœur & l’Action” group at the town hall of Montpellier, elected on the list of Mohed Altrad, s’ asks “about the means at its disposal. The economic agency should not be a whim to give oneself a clear conscience and to make a thing which comes to be superimposed on the millefeuille of uselessness. “


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