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The Olympic Village to welcome women victims of violence and their children after the Games

This is an announcement that fits well with the notion of heritage put forward since the first days of Paris’s candidacy for the organization of the 2024 Olympic Games. This Thursday morning, Élisabeth Moreno, Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister in charge of equality between women and men, indicated that the Olympic village, currently under construction in Saint-Denis, will welcome women victims of violence and their children after the Games.

A commitment that will “last”

“Women who are victims of domestic violence will benefit from housing that will help them rebuild after the end of the Paris 2024 Games. Housing is a crucial step in the reconstruction of these women, ”Élisabeth Moreno told the newspaper. The team, during a site visit with Roxana Maracineanu, Minister for Sports, and Emmanuelle Wargon, in charge of Housing.

The timing of this announcement is not trivial. This Thursday is the world day dedicated to the fight against violence against women. “The fight against violence requires the mobilization of the whole of society. I can tell you today that the legacy of the 2024 Paris Games will show how much this commitment will last ”, assured Élisabeth Moreno. The exact number of dwellings is not defined, but several dozen are concerned at least, precise The team.


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