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“The resolved life”, a work to think about the child we once were

Lima, February 25, 2022Updated on 02/25/2022 02:25 pm

Few people can say that they managed to become what they dreamed of as children. The paths of life usually take us away from our first desires. But what happens when memories reignite that spark that seems forgotten? In the work of theater “Life resolved” five thirty-somethings go to an exclusive nursery in Lima to try the last place for their children. The tense situation causes not only rivalries and secrets to surface, but also becomes the perfect pretext to take a trip back in time and get closer to the child they once were. A few weeks before the start of the school year, this comedy, directed by Rodrigo Falla, questions us about the future and the desire to have and give our children an education that allows them to successfully face the world. Things, however, do not always go as planned.

As part of the cast, the play features the performance of Carolina Cano, who returns to the stage after several years dedicated to acting on television and writing workshops. She plays Laura, an independent woman who has cast aside conventional roles to become the provider for the family. “This opportunity was irrefutable for me. I return to the theater with a cute and grounded cast, in, she comments. Her staging has also given her the opportunity to share the stage with her brother Alonso de ella. The first and only time it happened in the nineties with “Pluft, el Fantasmita”, at the Montecarlo Theater. “We always went to the theater because of our parents, but one day they put us in this play. We had no text, we would make the change of scene with a show of pirouettes and dressed as ghosts, ”she recalls.

Today, the brothers meet again as antagonists, as Alonso plays Jaime, a divorced man who also competes for a place for his son in the nursery. The cast is completed by Fiorella Flores, who is Raquel, a new mother; Pierina Parodi is Lluvia, Jaime’s girlfriend who is still looking for his Prince Charming; and Jean Paul Neyra, Laura’s husband and frustrated writer. Far from the name of the work, the life of these characters is not resolved at all but is about to explode. The work, says Falla, “. There are scenes in which the actors play themselves as children, say what they want to be, and then we realize how much it affected them to achieve it or not.”

In the midst of the pandemic context that we are still experiencing, the young director mentions how important it is to laugh in dark times.

More information: New Julieta Theater (132 Porta Street, Miraflores). Los: Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays at 8 pm Through Sunday, March 13. Tickets: Joinnus.

Source: Elcomercio

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