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Ecuador revokes visa of Cuban journalist Alondra Santiago for alleged acts against security

The Government of the President of Ecuador, Daniel Noboarevoked the visa of the Cuban journalist and actress Alondra Santiagounder the argument that the communicator, who in the electoral campaign positioned herself in favor of the Correísta candidate Luisa Gonzálezallegedly committed acts that threaten the security of the State.

What was once fake news has now become reality. I received a ‘visa revocation’ notification from Itamaraty“Santiago wrote on his account on the social network X.

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Consider “This is undoubtedly an attack on freedom of press/expression. This government wants to silence me at all costs, but I will NOT remain silent.. That was never an option”.

In the face of abuse and excess of power, it will be justice that will put an end to this arbitrariness”, he concluded in a message that went viral on social media with response messages mostly supporting the journalist.

In the message, Santiago accompanies the Itamaraty document in which he states that “committed acts that threaten public security and the structure of the State”.

Itamaraty’s press office confirmed the veracity of the document published on social media by Santiago and requested consultation with the Ministry of the Interior about the reasons for the decision, since they were based on a report from that institution.

The Andean parliamentarian Cristina Reisexpressed solidarity in his report X with Santiago, at the same time that he repudiated and rejected what he called “xenophobic and authoritarian act that attacks journalism and freedom of expression”.

What awaits us in a country where the government seeks to silence its critics? Do you want to silence those who think differently? Where is the democracy?“, I wonder.

He noted that “It is scandalous that journalists are persecuted with the complicity of the Ministries, yesterday it was Los Irreverentes, today Alondra, tomorrow who criticizes them. All this while the country finds no direction and crime acts with total impunity.,” he said in reference to the cancellation of a television program two weeks ago.

On June 13th, the Andean Foundation for Media Observation and Study (Fundamedios), one of the organizations that seeks to guarantee press freedom in the Ecuadorwarned that he sees with “rising alarm“certain characteristics”authoritarian”From the Noboa Government.

And he expressed concern about the departure of the political analysis and opinion program.The irreverent‘, broadcast on a television channel since January 2023, when he governed Guilherme Lasso (2021-2023).

Maria Sol Borjamember of the program, then told EFE that the channel attributed it to “government pressure”The closure of the space in which he participated and which had daily broadcasts.

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Regarding Santiago’s case, Borja observed this Tuesday: “This is crazy. They revoke the visa Alondra Santiago and accuse her of committing “acts that threaten public security and the structure of the State”. Anyone who looks at the sky because Alondra ‘doesn’t like it’ or ‘isn’t a journalist, but an activist’ is endorsing a brutal abuse of power”.

Fundamedios also rejected the decision against Santiago and asked “the review of the administrative act of the Vice-Ministry of Human Mobility, which revoked the indefinite visa of activist, communicator, actress and journalist Alondra Santiago, accusing her of ‘acts that threaten the structure of the State and public security’ , with no other explanation”.

We consider that this act constitutes an abusive use of state power and violates freedom of expression.“, I notice Fundamedios in your X account.

Source: Elcomercio

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