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Sean Penn talks about his return from Ukraine and his meeting with Volodymy Zelensky

Sean Penn is visibly very marked by what he saw in Ukraine. Last month, the actor went to Kyiv to shoot a documentary on the conflict initiated by Vladimir Putin. He had left the country before the Russian strikes intensified, having “the luxury of being able to leave a rental car on the side of the road” to cross the border with Poland on foot and thus flee. bombs.

“It was mostly women and children, some in groups, some just a mother and her child, in those cars. In some cases, fathers would drive them to drop them off, then turn back, because men between the ages of 18 and 60 are not allowed to leave, and must stay fighting against Russia. I haven’t seen any baggage, it’s like they want to believe they can come back,” Sean Penn told CNN, emphasizing the “urgency” and rush it reflected.

“Courage and Dignity”

During his stay, Sean Penn had met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, “the day before the invasion and the day itself”. “I don’t know if he knew he was born for this, but it’s clear that I witnessed something. I think it was new to the modern world in terms of courage and dignity, but also the love that comes from one man and the way he united this country. (…) I was indefinitely impressed and moved by him, but also terrified for him and for Ukraine. »

The actor of Mystic River, whose association CORE helps Ukrainian refugees on the Polish border, added that he did not see an immediate end to the conflict, on the contrary. “You’re going to have a country of insurgencies if Putin wins,” predicted Sean Penn.

The filmmaker also advised watching winter on fire of Evgeny Afineevsky to understand “the sacrifices made by Ukrainians in the name of freedom”. This is an Oscar-nominated documentary about the November 2013-February 2014 pro-EU protests in Ukraine (dubbed Euromaidan), which Netflix has made available for free on YouTube since Russia invaded the country.

Source: 20minutes

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