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Oscar 2022: Tony Hawk defends his participation in the gala by remembering that he was in “Jackass”

It is not long before the Oscar 2022 Awards ceremony takes place, a gala that has not been immune to controversy due to the social context, its new categories and its varied list of presenters, where they included three athletes, among them , Tony Hawk.

And it is that in the official list of presenters of the event some names such as DJ Khaled, HER, Shawn Mendes or the athletes Kelly Slater (surf), Shaun White (snowboard) and Tony Hawk (skate) stand out. The latter defended his participation by delimiting that he had already appeared in some productions before.

In the midst of criticism, the acclaimed skater who nailed the first 900 in history at the 1999 X Games, used his Twitter account to respond to his detractors and justify his work at the gala.

“If being in all the ‘Jackass’ movies, in ‘xXx’, ‘Police Academy 4’ and ‘Sharknado 5’ doesn’t give me the right to present at the Oscars, your movie taste has to be readjusted. (I will introduce, by the way)”Hawk pointed out.

Beyond the controversy, Tony Hawk’s film history also includes participation in “On the Edge of the Abyss”, “The Ugly Ones Also Wet” and “The Masters of Dogtown”. Of course, his closest relationship with the art world was in 1996, when he doubled for Peter Fonda in the surf scene of ‘”013: Rescue in LA”, by John Carpenter.

Source: Elcomercio

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