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Malia Obama joins the writing team for Donald Glover’s upcoming series

After graduating from Harvard and having done a few internships in Hollywood, Malia Obama enters working life as a screenwriter. And it was Donald Glover who hired her to join the pool of authors for his next series.

The actor signed a contract with Amazon Studios in February 2021, and he is delighted with his new recruit, an “incredibly talented person”. Moreover, in addition to the fact that she “works very hard” and is “very focused”, he predicts a bright future for the one who grew up in the White House.

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“I have a feeling that some very nice things are going to happen to him soon,” he told Vanity Fair to confirm his appointment. He also claims that being the daughter of former US President and former First Lady Barack and Michelle Obama doesn’t change anything because she “has her feet firmly on the ground.” “She has a lot of good ideas. She is great. He’s a normal person, like everyone else, ”adds Donald Glover.

This new series should revolve around a character inspired by Beyoncé. The working title is winter (hive in French, Jay-Z’s wife being nicknamed “bee” – Bee in English). Donald Glover is working on this project with his brother, Stephen, and playwright Janine Nabers.

Source: 20minutes

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