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Mariah Angeliq in Lima: we take the interpreter of “El makinon” to try Peruvian seafood

Mariah Angeliq in Lima: we take the interpreter of “El makinon” to try Peruvian seafood

Mariah Angeliq in Lima: we take the interpreter of “El makinon” to try Peruvian seafood

When you talk about what you are passionate about, it shows from afar. His eyes sparkle, he pays more attention and even his posture changes. I noticed the same when we talked with Mariah Angelique about gastronomy. In addition to being one of the exponents of the urban genre with the greatest international projection, the singer is a lover of cooking. Precisely for this reason, we decided to take her out of her interview routine a bit and invite her to learn more about Peru. The best of all? We follow this interesting conversation between Mariah Angeliq and Advantage with the tasting of some typical dishes of the local marine menu.

Although it may not seem like it, in person Mariah is a more shy and calm person than she appears in her videos and music, but no less sure of herself for that. Fortunately, she united us with love and interest in food, which made this meeting a relaxed and entertaining one.

The first dish we tasted were some seafood dumplings, stuffed with a mixture of the same and with an interesting and captivating Nikkei touch. Mariah is one of those people who is not afraid to try new foods and nothing better than when it comes to fish and shellfish, since she is a lover of them. Therefore, when the chef of the restaurant The Chingana Erika Morote warned him about the spiciness of a hot pepper sauce, he had no problem spreading the empanada and tasting it properly.

The result was unquestionable thanks to the expression of surprise and pleasure that he gave us. And, as we know, nothing can confirm the success of a dish more than continuing to enjoy it, and the same thing happened in this case.

The next delicacy we enjoyed was a mixed pork rind crispy and abundant, served over a leche de tigre with yellow pepper that gives it its precise touch of acid to balance the frying. The fish was fresh and La Chingana demonstrated the expertise they have in cooking pota and making it smooth. An important clarification, which we recognized thanks to a question from Mariah, is that the word pork rind refers to the type of cooking that is done and not just the pork rind, which is the best known in the world.

On this occasion, the artist enjoyed rice with seafood, seafood empanadas and mixed pork rinds.

To close this meal with a flourish, chef Erika surprised us with a beautiful and tasty rice with seafood. Mellow, grainy and with a considerable amount of seafood, this dish announced its arrival with an almost intoxicating smell that filled the place and craved everyone present. Of course, Mariah put her nice touch of fresh-squeezed lemon juice on it and got ready to taste it.

This experience was completed perfectly with a classic portion of canchita, which was the perfect appetizer between courses, and Mariah had the good idea of ​​accompanying everything with an Inka Kola, the almost emblematic drink when we talk about a seafood lunch in our country.

Family tradition

But this special care and affection that Mariah shows towards food is not free. She tells us that his grandfather founded a restaurant in little havanain Miami, which became an entire institution. “My grandfather, Armando Pérez, founded the restaurant Iambthat is of Nicaraguan food. He is very famous in the communityafter going to parties and clubs, all the kids go there because they are open 24 hours”, he explains.

Over time he grew but his love for dishes like roast beef, rice with moro, fried cheese and pork rinds it didn’t change at all. “I grew up eating that food and when I got my first apartment there for little havana I visited them a lot and I always saw my grandfather”, he comments with a smile, which marks the pleasantness of this memory.

Yambo even witnessed an important romance: that of Mariah Angeliq’s parents. When he first heard that story he couldn’t believe the coincidences and how special the restaurant was. “I think it’s because of Yambo that I like food so much and get to know other cuisines,” says the singer.

The verdict

At the end of this pleasant experience it was impossible not to ask for a top 3, as well as those that are made in the world of music. In a tie for second and third place were the empanadas and pork rinds. “I actually quite liked the whole thing as you can see by how I put the plate down,” she tells us with a laugh.

Undoubtedly some, the dish that stole the singer’s heart, and that took first place, was rice with seafood, precisely because she confessed that it is a grain that fascinates her. “I think I’m addicted to rice,” she told us in complicity. At the moment of trying it and with just a few seconds of having tasted it, the result was definitive. “This, this is my favorite dish”, was what she confessed to us.

The succulent rice with seafood from La Chingana, the winner of Mariah Angeliq's ranking during her visit.

We must make a special mention that Mariah asked us and it is about the ceviche. It is a dish that she usually enjoys in Miami and that, as part of our meeting, she learned how to prepare thanks to Erika’s instructions and expertise.

Another of the Peruvian dishes that he enjoys a lot, thanks to the fact that in his city he was able to try foods from around the world, is lomo saltado, but in its version with chicken meat. It is definitely one of the dishes that you want to learn how to prepare, but we will leave that for the next visit.

Restaurant information:

The Chingana It is located at Sánchez Carrión 110, Barranco. One block from the Bulevard del Metropolitano station and Plaza de Barranco.

Source: Elcomercio

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