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Pride Day: “El baile de los 41″ and other LGTBQ+ movies that you can watch in streaming

Love in all its forms is celebrated this June 28th. the people of the community LGBTQ+ They have come a long way to have their rights validated and respected. In this selection of films we show some of that history in fiction mode that in some way represents or tells how, for decades, people have sought to live without prejudice and with rights.


Call Me by Your Name

This Oscar-dominated film tells the love story between a 17-year-old boy named Elio, who during the summer of 1983, in northern Italy, meets Oliver, with whom he falls madly in love. This is a romantic film full of emotion and beautiful scenery.

This film directed by Tom Hooper had many donations to the Oscar and won a statuette for best supporting actress. “The Danish Girl” tells the story of Einar, a man who is apparently happily married to Gerda, but realizes that his happiness is not complete because he does not feel that the body he has is his own. The transformation of him towards becoming a woman is shown.

"The Danish Girl" is available on Netflix.  (Photo: Official Facebook)

This film tells the story of Therese Belivet, who works in a store and dreams of a better life. One day she meets Carol, a seductive woman with a better life than her own. However, the woman finds herself trapped in a marriage that does not make her happy. Her love story is complicated because they are still in the 1950s, in conservative New York.

Carol (Photo: HBO)


The dance of the 41

one of the last tapes LGBTI of Netflix it is “The dance of the 41″. This emotional film tells the story of a gay congressman who marries the daughter of the Mexican president. He is part of a private club where he hangs out with other men. This film based on a true event shows how cruel society is to people who love others of the same sex.


Secret in the mountain

This 2005 film won two Oscars in the categories Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Director. This romantic film tells the story of two cowboys who meet while standing in line to be hired by rancher Joe Aguirre. When their boss sends them to herd cattle on Brokeback Mountain, a special feeling develops between them that leads to an intimate relationship.

Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger in "Brokeback Mountain" by Ang Lee.

Amazon Prime Video

not without her

This is a moving movie based on a true event. This film tells the story of Laurel, a decorated police officer from New Jersey, who is diagnosed with terminal cancer. Before she dies, Laurel wants to leave the pension she earned over the years to her partner, Stacie. However, the county officials, who accept the homosexual couple, conspire to prevent it.

"Not Without Her" was directed by Peter Sollett and written by Ron Nyswaner.  Julianne Moore stars in the film alongside Ellen Page.  (Photo: Facebook)


The Imitation Game

This film based on a true event tells the story of one of the most important and brilliant mathematicians in the history of mankind. This film narrates the life of the British Alan Turing, famous for having deciphered the secret Nazi codes contained in the Enigma machine, but who was convicted for being gay.

"The Imitation Game" is available on Apple TV.  (Photo: Diffusion)

This original movie Netflix tells the story of Lara, a 15-year-old trans teenager who dreams of becoming a dancer. With the support of her father, she throws herself into this never-ending quest. This film was directed by the young director and screenwriter Lukas Dhont.

The tape "Girl" is available on Netflix.


homeless club

Although this film tells the story of the womanizer and drug addict Ron Woodroof, who is diagnosed with HIV, this film shows how the LGTBI community is censored and judged. Ron, who only has 30 days to live since his diagnosis, decides to go to Mexico and start smuggling a drug that US agencies prohibit. Thanks to that, he manages to have a longer life and help people with the same diagnosis, especially from the LGTBI community.

Dallas Buyers Club (Photo: Prime)


a fantastic woman

This is a Chilean film that managed to be crowned Best Foreign Film in 2018. This film tells the life of Marina, a trans woman who must deal with discrimination from the Orlando family, her recently deceased boyfriend. She must fight to become what she is: a fantastic woman.

"A Fantastic Woman" by director Sebastián Lelio, achieved his nomination for the 2018 Oscars. (Photo: Capture YouTube)


Source: Elcomercio

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