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Malnati presents “Fucking Perfect”, a ballad to reconcile with ourselves

Malnati presents “Fucking Perfect”, a ballad to reconcile with ourselves

Malnati presents “Fucking Perfect”, a ballad to reconcile with ourselves

Peruvian singer and producer Malnati He continues to advance in his career and this time he invites us to explore different emotions with his new single: “Fucking Perfect”, which premieres with a video clip that describes how therapeutic music can be for both the author and his followers.

“I like to do ballads that are not about romantic love, there are other emotions that cause us pain and nostalgia that are not talked about enough in music”explain and add: “In this case it’s about how hard we can be on ourselves.”

“My first songs began as a deconstruction of the urban genre but I am more and more inclined to make music that sounds more human and honest. That’s why I decided to stop using autotune and go for a minimalist approach”, remember.

”As a songwriter and producer I always keep in mind that a good song should work in its simplest form, if you manage to convey emotions with your voice and a guitar then you’re doing well, so I set myself that challenge. Now I am eager to take that to a live proposal, I am looking for musicians who can add their talent to the project”indicates the author.

In his path, Malnati debuted as a soloist in 2020 with the single “Pánico”, which was defined as a dark-reggaeton with a very pegasus hook. Then “El Obrero” followed and by 2021 he added “Química” and “Stick Around”. In all of them, his clear desire to show himself as an eclectic artist is revealed, where he fuses the Latin with the Anglo accompanied by a very personal voice that gives him the possibility of revealing an almost unique style.

Regarding the video clip, it was made by the producer Señor Z and directed by Juan Francisco Jara, precisely, from Malnati’s debut video, “Pánico”. It features performances by the talented actresses Gianiré Rosalino and Gabriela Billotti and special appearances by Elsa Oliverio and Nuria Zapata. In it we see an emotional story with touches of science fiction and that leaves some things open to interpretation.

“The director’s idea for this video clip struck a chord with me and that’s where I knew it was the right path. Also, focusing on the relationship between two women added another dimension to the song and I hope others can find things in the lyrics and story that they can relate to.”maintains the author.

After “Fucking Perfect”, he already has in his plans to work on a next single and also on other artists he works with. “My passion is songwriting, creating pop music that is both commercial yet innovative and has something powerful to say”he adds.

Source: Elcomercio

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