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Paris Hilton reveals she was sexually abused while in boarding school

Paris Hilton has made new revelations about the school year she spent at Provo Canyon School in Utah. Her parents had sent her to this boarding school when she was 17, believing that the staff would put her back on the right track, as the private school’s brochure promised. The reality TV star has just revealed that she was sexually abused there.

The heiress explains that she underwent “cervical examinations” in the middle of the night. “Very late at night, it was around three or four in the morning, they would take me and other girls to this room and they would do medical examinations,” she told the New York Times.

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According to Paris Hilton, the people who carried out these examinations “were not even doctors”. She adds that “several different members of staff who made us lie down on the table and put their fingers inside of us.”

“It was really scary, and it was something that I had really blocked out for many years. But it comes up all the time and I think about it. And now, looking back on it as an adult, it was definitely sexual abuse,” Paris Hilton explained.

Testifying today allows him to “heal” his wounds and “help put an end to these abuses”. “It was a recurring experience, not only for me but also for the other survivors. I was raped and crying as I write this because no one, especially a child, should be sexually abused. My childhood was stolen from me and it kills me to know that it still happens to other innocent children, ”she added on Twitter.

The star of The Simple Life had previously detailed the physical and psychological violence suffered within this boarding school in his documentary This is Parisbroadcast on YouTube in 2020. This testimony by Paris Hilton made it possible to pass a decree in Utah which imposes greater surveillance of this type of establishment on the part of the State.

The Provo Canyon was sold in 2000 and the new owners deny abusing their students to whom they continue to offer “behavioral therapy”.

Source: 20minutes

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