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Josimar will offer his first concert in Peru this October 31 at the “Lima Fest 2022”

After leaving in the middle of the pandemic, the salsero Josimar Fidel returns to Peru and also to the stages of the capital. The artist will offer a show next Monday, October 31 at Lima Fest 2022.

Josimar will be at Lima Fest 2022, which will be held in the Lloque Yupanqui Zonal Park, located at the intersection of Universitaria and Naranjal avenues, in Los Olivos.

The salsero from Barrios Altos promises a great show for his faithful followers who were missing him and where his best hits will not be lacking such as: “Con la Misma Moneda”, “Ese Estúpido”, “La Mejor de todos”, “Salsa Perucha”, “Como Mirarte”, “El Aventurero”, “No te creas Tan Importante”, among other songs that will make you dance from start to finish.

“Happy to meet my people again, I arrive with a renewed show, to make everyone dance at the Lima Fest in Parque Zonal Lloque Yupanqui, it will be an unforgettable night”, declared the popular Josimar and his Yambú.

Doors open at 5:00 pm and Los 5 de Oro, Orquesta Anakaona Star and El Zambo Barbieri will also be on stage. Tickets for Josimar’s show are already on sale at Teleticket or by calling 917803430 for more information.

In the event there will also be a children’s show, enterprises, children’s games, gastronomic fair, mechanical games, among other attractions in one place for the whole family.

Source: Elcomercio

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