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Agua Viva: we visited the restaurant that was chosen as the best ‘huarique’ of 2022

Agua Viva: we visited the restaurant that was chosen as the best ‘huarique’ of 2022

Agua Viva: we visited the restaurant that was chosen as the best ‘huarique’ of 2022

The history of the Agua Viva restaurant (L’Eau Vive del Perú) dates back to the year 1978, when the first sisters of the community of Missionary Workers of the Immaculate arrived in Lima from Argentina, sent by the founding father Marcel Roussel to establish a mission in Lima, due to his love and admiration for our Santa Rosa de Lima.

They were the French María José Perriot and the Argentine Angela Maldonado. At the beginning they worked in a factory and in private houses doing cleaning, until they managed to contact Cardinal Landázuri who offered them the house –which belongs to the Archdiocese– where the restaurant is currently located. It was in 1982, after restoring the house that was in ruins, that the doors of the Agua Viva restaurant were opened, during the festival of the Sacred Heart.

Praying in the chapel of the house located on the second floor.  It is not open to the public.

Why a restaurant?

Sister Ana points out that having a restaurant allows them to have a common schedule and carry out their routine with peace of mind. Doors open at 12:30 until 3 pm “In the afternoons, some other sisters prepare lunch, sometimes oatmeal or quinoa, bread with ham or bread with chicken to give to people in need. At 4 o’clock poor people are lining up, most of them elderly who cannot work, are abandoned or live around here. They are about 70 daily. On Saturday nights we give hot soup because it’s cold and up to 100 or 150 people can arrive. What we earn in the restaurant we share with them, ”sister Ana refers to her social work.

Table with diners in the year 2020.

In addition, they help families who are looking for them out of need, help with procedures at the hospital or address the Ministry for Women or the Ombudsman’s Office. Also, they do catechism and preparation for the sacraments.

When they managed to open the restaurant in 2020, the respective protocols were followed, such as taking the temperature before entering.

International kitchen

Currently, there are 12 sisters of various origins (Vietnam, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Burkina Faso and Peru) who are in charge of the restaurant and 9 are constantly active, among them they divide the work of the kitchen and living room; In addition, the cooks are trained with gastronomy courses to improve the seasoning every day.

Part of their job is to provide food to those most in need as seen in this photograph, they are handing out hot soups on a Saturday night.

“Our specialty is French cuisine and, from time to time, we put on international specialties. They are also offering more Peruvian dishes such as ají de gallina, arroz con pollo or lomo saltado”, says Sister Ana, but making the caveat that these are dishes that are cooked with few seasonings and low in salt for the health of her diners.

The Living Water letter

The Agua Viva restaurant specializes in French and international cuisine, as well as Creole dishes low in seasonings and salt. In your letter we will find healthy and delicious menus to vary the taste of the week. Among its delicacies are Arequipeña-style marinade, prawn croustillant in Thai sauce, rabbit with French-style cherries, chicken breast fillet with herb butter, parfum de Bois loin tournedos or oriental-style prawns.

It is a wide and varied menu with starter, main course, juices and desserts, such as its unforgettable ice creams.

More data

  • It opens from Monday to Saturday from 12:30 p.m. until 3:00 p.m., when its doors close. Does not open holidays
  • Location: Jr. Ucayali 370, Downtown Lima. In front of the Torre Tagle Palace
  • Telephones: 4275612 / 950274194
  • Follow them on Facebook:

Source: Elcomercio

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