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Ozzy Osbourne canceled his European tour after health problems

Ozzy Osbourne canceled his European tour after health problems

Ozzy Osbourne canceled his European tour after health problems

Ozzy Osbourne announced the cancellation of his upcoming shows and assured that he has terminated his tours, because “he no longer feels physically capable” of carrying them out.

“This is probably one of the toughest decisions I have ever had to share with my loyal fans. As you know, four years ago, this month, I had a serious accident in which I injured my spine.” the heavy-metal singer said in a message on Twitter.

The 74-year-old artist, born in Birmingham (England) and living in Los Angeles (USA), added that, due to this, he can no longer afford the necessary travel for a tour.

“My sole purpose during this time has been to get back on stage,” Osbourne said. “My singing voice is fine. However, after three operations, stem cell treatments, endless physical therapy and most recently the innovative Cybernics (HAL) treatment, my body is still physically weak.” accurate.

Ozzy Osbourne mourns the end of touring

During his career, which began as a member of the heavy metal band Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne won several Grammy Awards, both for his solo work and for being part of that group, which he left in 1978, recalls CNN.

“I never imagined that my touring days could end like this. My team is trying to find a way for me to perform without having to travel from city to city, country to country.” explained the singer of “Iron man” in his message.

The winner of several MTV awards also thanked his team, his family, his lifelong friends, the Judas Priest group and, of course, his fans for their loyalty, support and for giving him “a life he never thought he could.” have”.

“I love you all”, ended the message from Ozzy Osbourne, who at the beginning of the first 2000 starred in a reality program with his family, called “The Osbournes”.

Source: Elcomercio

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