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Fiorella Rodríguez returns to the theater: how Aristóteles Picho changed his life, his sacrifice upon reaching TV and more

After five years away from the tables, fiorella rodriguez describes his reunion with the theater like wonderful. The comedy “Fantasmas” brings her back, written and directed by Paco Varela, whose plot presents three characters who in the middle of a storm are forced to take refuge in an abandoned house. There, two ghosts will do their thing in an attempt to solve the pending that they left in life. The work is presented in the CAFAE-SE Auditorium.

From hostess to actress

Multifaceted and full of energy, the popular actress had to leave the stage not for lack of enthusiasm but for lack of time. “I rejected a script because I was filming the movie “Unexpected Marriage” with Renzo Schuller and Patricia Portocarrero. I was really looking forward to it, really. But after a short time Paco writes me and knowing that it was his work I accepted immediately “says Rodríguez, who appeared for the first time on the small screen in the mid-90s with the novel “Los unos y los otros” by Michel Gómez.

“I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. From one day to the next I became an actress and host. I had to take a long break in my studies. Imagine, I finished my career as a psychologist, which I had been running in parallel, after 12 years”.

Fiorella Rodríguez / film, theater and television actress about his unexpected arrival on television.

His entry into acting, he recalls, was totally unexpected. Although she was always linked to art, specifically to music through the piano and guitar, she had never considered dabbling in acting. However, her hospitality studies led her to work as a hostess at the place that would become her springboard to fame, the Costa Verde restaurant. “. The renowned actor was looking for a character with the characteristics of the popular ‘Friendship’, so he invited her to the casting that gave him her first role in a novel.

From that moment her life changed completely, because almost at the same time she became the host of the program “Punto de quiembre”, an opportunity that led her to make sacrifices. “I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. From one day to the next I became an actress and host. I had to take a long break in my studies. Imagine, I finished my career as a psychologist, which I had been running in parallel, after 12 yearsremember

I return with humor

In more than 25 years of experience, the actress has developed roles of all caliber, but it is the comedy characters that she enjoys the most. In “Fantasmas” she plays two characters: the playful Toña and a specter who, without knowing it, has a close relationship with her. “I had already thought of Fiorella for this role because she has a great humorous streak. The two characters she plays are totally different from anything you’ve ever seen her do before.”, says the director Paco Varela. The cast is complemented by Caroll Chiara and André Moyo as Flor and Pepe. In the story, which will feature sound and visual effects, the three are dedicated to television production and while they are looking for locations for their next project, the car they are traveling in breaks down in the middle of a storm. In the distance they see an old house that becomes their only alternative for shelter. What none of the three knows is that in that place they will be possessed by two souls in pain.

In Rodriguez’s words “This is a light proposal, in the good sense of the word. The play lasts just over an hour and the entire series of hilarious situations take place in a single night. I am sure that the public will be as hooked as I am with the work”, he underlines while thanking life for the opportunity he has to once again share his work from the stage.

Continuing with television, from this May 1, the also public relationist will be part of the program “The great chef, famous”, where he will show his culinary skills. How about cooking?, we asked him. “Pretty good, but my style. The issue is going to be facing a stew that I have never made or preparations with meat that I don’t eat, because my lifestyle is very healthy, I eat a lot of fish. But at least my presentations are going to be very pretty. How my food will taste, I don’t know, but my dishes are for Instagram (laughs)”.

The cast in full: Carol Chiara, André Moyo and Fiorella Rodríguez.  Right, accompanied by the playwright and director of the play, Paco Varela.

For Rodríguez this year has arrived recharged. In addition to concluding with the recordings of the film “Unexpected Marriage”, in two months the filming of the family film “Vaguito” begins. He also has an interesting project on social networks, specifically on You Tube, which he hopes to define throughout this year. “I want to continue creating and doing so many things. My love life couldn’t be better, my family life is amazing, ”she says. The secret to his success, he reveals, is to “get the positive out of all experiences. That makes me face my life with optimism”.

More information

Work “Ghosts”

Place:Cafae-SE Cultural Center. Address: Av. Arequipa 2985, San Isidro). Day and hour: Until May 21. From Friday to Sunday, 8 pm Tickets: Joinnus, Atrápalo, and ticket office.

Source: Elcomercio

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