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‘Juan is dead’: a work that talks about justice, friendship, love and power

‘Juan is dead’, the winning work of the second Ensad Playwriting Contest 2020, arrives at the Miraflores auditorium theater –in a short season– to take the viewer on a journey through essential questions about justice, power, friendship and love .

In sixty minutes, three stories are intertwined to form a whole of meaning: a widow watches over her husband; a man searches for an old friend; a mute boy finds pain in the loss of a loved one.

“The man’s concerns and his insistence on mitigating them will gradually reveal the circumstances of Juan’s death,” explains the production of ‘Juan is dead’, a play written and directed by Omar Velásquez.

How much does Juan’s death weigh among his relatives?

Between resignation and the need for comfort, the characters will try to find some sense of justice in Juan’s fate.

From this conflict, universal themes of human thought such as justice, love, power and friendship develop, in which all human beings are involved at some point.

The title of the work “sentences the truth of a man who has obtained his end for having acted in a certain way,” says Omar Velásquez. And when fate is the end of life, one is what he leaves in others.

With the dramaturgy and direction of Omar Velásquez and the performances of Yasmine Incháustegui, Daniel Suárez Lezama, Luis Cárdenas-Natteri and David Huamán Törjék, ‘Juan is dead’ will be re-opened on Friday, May 12 at the Miraflores Auditorium Theater (Av. Larco 1150 , Miraflores).

The functions go on Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 pm until May 27. Tickets are available on the Joinnus platform.

Source: Elcomercio

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