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“Silent Images”: A suburban Lima portrayed in nine unpublished stories

“Silent Images”: A suburban Lima portrayed in nine unpublished stories

“Silent Images”: A suburban Lima portrayed in nine unpublished stories

“Silent Images” is the new book written by the Peruvian journalist Rafael Roque Rebaza, who portrays the frivolity of the city of Lima in nine unpublished stories. The publication comes through the independent publisher Dendro Ediciones.

The book presents nine stories set in Lima that show not only the violence of the city, but also depicts the failures of characters of all kinds, from hapless victims of insecurity, incorrigible infidels, wandering loners, and even despicable pedophiles who transit through the capital. and their cones.

The writer Jorge Eslava, House of Peruvian Literature Award 2022, highlights the direct and effective style of the author Rafael Roque Rebaza for the setting of these stories “wrapped by a marginal bias.”

“’Silent Images’ reveals a valuable misunderstanding: on the one hand, the unmitigated review of a life off-screen, and on the other, the affirmation of a resounding narrator, attentive to exploration in the field of the suburban and meticulous in the perception of habitual behaviors, with a direct and effective style, such as a nocturnal assault”, Eslava said in a statement.

Rafael Roque won first place in the Poliedro Estudios Peruvian Story Contest in 2021, he also obtained other awards and mentions in different national competitions, which are included in this latest release.

It should be noted that “Silent Images” is a book that was already published in 2022 in France, through the publishing house L’Oiseau Parleur Éditions. Now, in Lima it can be found in bookstores Escena Libre, El Virrey de Miraflores, Ciudad Librera, among others.

Source: Elcomercio

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