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“Coveted Single 2”: what role will Ana María Orozco have in the film? The Colombian actress tells us

After the Premiere of the series “Pig Envy” by Prime Video, Ana Maria Orozco He did not promote one of his international projects for the media in Peru again. The protagonist of “I am Betty, the ugly one” has the agenda with the engine at a thousand per hour, but she took some time to send an affectionate greeting to the production of “Soltera Codiciada 2”, a film where the actress acts alongside Gisela Ponce de Leon.

Ana María Orozco is one of the Colombian actresses most loved by the Peruvian public after the success of “I am Betty, the ugly one”, the backbone of Netflix’s Top 10 for years until, later, the series went to the ranks of Prime Video. As if that were not enough, it had also been broadcast on Panamericana Televisión as a canned last year.

However, several pages have been turned in Orozco’s life since, in 1998, one of the producers of the series available on streaming (at that time, better known as ‘telenovela’) called her on the phone to tell her: “You are going to to be the ugly one in history”. Since then, the actress has been unstoppable. Before the pandemic, she starred in “The Return of Lucas” between 2016 and 2017 with Salvador del Solar. That same last year, she premiered the play “I am Betty, the ugly” with Jorge Enrique Abello, who played Armando Mendoza.

Fernando Gaitán, screenwriter of “I am Betty, the ugly one”, produced the Colombian telenovela “You will not forget my name” (2017) and called Orozco to be part of the cast. It must have been the last project they worked on together after his death in 2019.

Shortly before the outbreak of the pandemic, the actress had made “Simona” (2018), an Argentine soap opera where she co-starred. Later, when the COVID virus began to mark terror in the world, Orozco was about to release the series “Perdida” (2020) on Netflix (the Peruvian Carlos Alcántara also participates here), but later began production on “Cochina envy”. ” (2022), which was “the powerful return”, was the title of the magazine Aló Colombia, by Ana María Orozco and her first major foray into an original series on a streaming platform.

Ana María Orozco in "Cochina Envy".

Now, we will see the face of the actress in a Peruvian film directed by Joanna Lombardi, “Coveted Single 2″, the sequel to a Tondero Producciones film that is available on Netflix and, hopefully, the continuation will soon be on the platform.

Ana María Orozco in “Coveted Bachelorette 2”

“Soltera Codiciada” is the name of the digital blog of the writer María José Osorio, who published the first homonymous book in the summer of 2013. It was the story of a woman from Arequipa who failed all the time in relationships and never found the love of her life. . By 2018, Tondero Producciones was ready to release the first film based on the fictional work with the leading role of Gisela Ponce de León.

In the first film, María Fe (Gisela Ponce de León) is a frustrated writer who works as a publicist in a firm where her boss is a jerk. Her friends, Natalia (Karina Jordán) and Carolina (Jely Reátegui) accompany her in the pain of not being able to find anyone with whom she can fall madly in love with her.

Ana María Orozco is the editor of María Fe

In the second part of “Coveted Single”, María Fe discovers that she can handle life alone and puts aside the suffering for her ex-lover. Now, she is a writer who has minimal time to present her new book, but she finds it very difficult to start writing. Along the way, she suffers a very strong duel and must face it with great courage.

“María Fe is a character with which many girls identify, because she represents a close girl, who dares to experience her feelings freely. She is very honest and values ​​friendship. She is a very pure character. In the first film I felt very identified with her and what happened to her. On the other hand, in this second part I have had to resort to places not so familiar to me. It’s been nice in that sense. To identify with the character I have had to accept that I am older and I like that,” said Gisela Ponce de León.

Ana María Orozco and Gisela Ponce de León on the set of "Coveted Single 2".

Ana María Orosco fits into María Fe’s equation as the time piece. She is the book editor of her book who pressures her to finish writing it, even though it is getting harder and harder to do so. They have two brief scenes that take place in a cafe.

Words by Ana Maria Orozco


My participation in the film is very small, but I loved doing it, traveling to Lima and sharing with people. They are a wonderful cast of actors whom I greatly admire and know, such as Norma Martínez, Salvador del Solar, Jelly Reátegui. The truth is, it was a very nice opportunity to return to Peru. I know the film is going to do very well. I can’t wait to visit them again. Thank you very, very much and I send a huge hug to everyone”.


The film was recorded in Arequipa. The cast includes Christopher Uckermann as Natalia’s (Karina Jordán) partner, Salvador del Solar and Norma Martínez as María Fe’s parents, among other actors who joined the project.

What character does Ana María Orozco have in “Coveted Bachelorette 2”?

In the new installment of “Coveted Single”, Ana María Orozco gives life to a book editor. She is very interested in María Fe (Gisela Ponce de León) finishing the manuscript for the second part of her successful novel.

The actress told Saltar Intro of “El Comercio” that she was very excited about her participation in this Peruvian production.

“I am very happy to have participated in ‘Coveted Single 2’. A couple of years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting the director Joanna Lombardi, and her work, so I gladly accepted her invitation to participate in the film, ”she said in a short audio sent to this medium.

“In addition, sharing the scene with Gisela (Ponce de León) is an honor for me. I loved meeting her. I had already had the pleasure of seeing her act in theater a few years ago. She is a divine actress, extremely talented and generous, ”she added about her work with the Peruvian actress.

“Coveted Bachelorette 2” will be in movie theaters from this Thursday, July 6. The first part of the tape can be seen streaming via Netflix.


Source: Elcomercio

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