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Google Analytics 4: “Adapting to a new platform takes time, but the benefits are key for the future”

Google Analytics it left behind Universal Analytics, the version of the platform that has been running since 2014. As of July 1 of this year, the web analytics tool only works with Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

The recent version introduces new privacy controls that allow websites to customize the data they collect and reduce the amount of information obtained from their users.

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With GA4, IP addresses are no longer stored and the logic of the tool is focused on events, that is, on the interaction of the users with the websites or applications, instead of focusing on the display of pages and sessions as it used to be. the previous version. This gives page and app owners a deeper understanding of their users while respecting their privacy.

GA4 manages to fill the gaps that are left when people decide not to accept cookies, allowing information on user behavior to be obtained, but keeping their data anonymous.

This is achieved through predictive audiences. Instead of collecting 100% of the data, GA4 uses only a smaller percentage, since the rest are predictions that the platform makes based on the actual data available from the limited group of users.

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To learn more about the new version of Google Analytics, we had a conversation with Deb Salbodsky, Head of Measurement & Data at Google for Latin America. She gave us insight into the new privacy paradigm in the tech industry and how it impacts the new Google Analytics platform.

– What is the main reason behind the launch of GA4 and the abandonment of Universal Analytics?

The digital ecosystem is constantly transforming and is undergoing a lot of changes and modifications. Universal Analytics is a platform created many years ago, and the reality is that Google Analytics 4 arises in this sense, which responds to two main reasons: the first is to put the, to protect the information and data of the users, and the second great complementary reason has to do with one oriented to advertisers have better results.

– What benefits will this new version provide to users?

Many years ago, in the digital industry we were used to having all the observable information and we made decisions based on it. What began to happen a few years ago, and will continue to happen, is that, and that it will continue to be inaccessible. This narrows the scope of decisions we can make based on the observable data we still have at our disposal. So there are two options left: to continue being ‘data driven’ companies that make decisions based on data, but when that data does not represent your business, there is a risk of not making decisions with representativeness, or the other option is . By modeling information, we are filling in the gaps that arise from new regulations, giving us a more accurate representation of our business and ensuring that data-driven decisions are truly effective.

– With the new platform there will be changes regarding privacy, for example, with the storage of IP addresses for users.

Indeed, one of the important changes in GA4 is that IP addresses are no longer logged. In addition, we will have greater flexibility, since we will be able to control specific aspects by country. This is especially relevant due to the existing regulations in different regions. Each area or even countries have their own regulations, so it is crucial to have the possibility of control and flexibility in this regard, following the new privacy paradigm.

– You also commented on the predictability of audiences and data extrapolation, how does it work? Does artificial intelligence enter into this process?

Predictive models do indeed use artificial intelligence. Through the analysis of past events, it is also possible to predict future events. This allows us to perform audience segmentation and better understand which customers are most valuable to us or have the potential to generate the most value. It is at this point where the predictability and audience segmentation models show their strength.

– What challenges can companies face when adapting to GA4 and how can they be overcome?

The challenges stem from the need to adapt to Universal Analytics and make this big transition. It means not only moving to a different platform, but also starting from scratch in data collection and adopting a new collection structure that prioritizes user consent, something that was previously not considered as important in the industry. Although the process will take time and changing platforms is complex, when evaluating the benefits and the global impact, it is evident that the former overcome the difficulties of adapting to this new platform. Especially if we consider that it is a technologically durable platform, designed for the medium and long term and prepared to face the future that awaits us.

– What resources or assistance are available to help users

We have a help center, in addition, at the educational level we have a lot of training that we do: consultancies, notes, articles, you can even play for a while with Bard [la recién lanzada IA de Google] and ask him some recommendations, which will surely be able to guide them, I was testing it and the truth is that some recommendations work very well too.

Source: Elcomercio

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