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Grimes seems to take his split from Elon Musk lightly

Grimes seems to take his split from Elon Musk lightly

Grimes seems to take his split from Elon Musk lightly

Grimes and Elon Musk may have “semi-broke” after three years of relationship, the singer does not seem particularly affected. She even joked about the subject in a recent interview, hinting that the father of her child, X Æ A-Xii, may be a little too in the moonlight to guarantee a stable relationship.

“I’m going to colonize one of Jupiter’s moons, Europa, without Elon to set up a lesbian community,” she told Page Six. A small spade sent to Elon Musk who has his eyes fixed on the stars with his company SpaceX.

And precisely, part of the contract signed between the aerospace firm and NASA involves the exploration of Europa, this moon of Jupiter which has an atmosphere potentially favorable to human life.

Work rather than family

When announcing his split from Grimes last week, Elon Musk had no trouble admitting that his schedule was incompatible with family life.

“We are semi-separated but we still love each other and see each other regularly. We are on good terms. It is especially that my work with SpaceX and Tesla requires that I be in Texas or on the move while she works primarily in Los Angeles, ”he conceded to Page Six.


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