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Juan Antonio Bayona, director of “The Snow Society”, receives the MPAA Creator Award

Juan Antonio Bayona, director of “The Snow Society”, receives the MPAA Creator Award

Juan Antonio Bayona, director of “The Snow Society”, receives the MPAA Creator Award

The Spanish filmmaker JA Bayonadirector of ‘The Snow Society’, has been awarded the Creator Award by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) for his “innovative” narrative approach and because his work “exceeds the limits of the narration”.

As reported this Thursday by the MPAA, the director has also been recognized for his “creative force” in the film industry, where his work “exceeds the limits of storytelling and celebrates the resistance of the human spirit,” as stated by Charles Rivkin, president of the association.

Furthermore, he defines him as a “faithful representative of this global creative community.”

For his part, according to Bayona’s statements provided by the MPAA, the filmmaker feels “very grateful” for the “great honor” that this recognition represents.

“It is a privilege to be a filmmaker – he adds – and to be able to tell stories capable of reaching audiences around the world. “It is an honor for me to accept the MPPA Creator Award and I am deeply grateful to the MPAA for showing the impact and connection that cinema is capable of forging with viewers around the world.”

It will be in Madrid, next June, where, in addition to presenting the award to Bayona, the MPAA will also award the 2024 Public Policy award, which is awarded each year to people who have promoted the economic development of the audiovisual industry, promoting that new opportunities are generated for the sector.

The MPA Creator Award is awarded every year and in previous editions it was presented to North American filmmakers Nikyatu Jusu and Gina Prince-Bythewood.

With information from EFE

Source: Elcomercio

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