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María Corina Machado’s party demands freedom for collaborators “kidnapped” a month ago

María Corina Machado’s party demands freedom for collaborators “kidnapped” a month ago

María Corina Machado’s party demands freedom for collaborators “kidnapped” a month ago

The party Come over Venezuelaled by the leader of the opposition Maria Corina MachadoThis Friday, he demanded the release of his three collaborators “kidnapped” on January 23 by “repressive bodies of the regime”, in reference to the Government of Nicolás Maduro.

In a statement, the Vente Venezuela Human Rights Committee indicated that this Friday marks one month since the “kidnapping” of Luis Camacaro, Juan Freites and Guillermo Lópezheads of the former deputy’s campaign command in the states Yaracuy, La Guaira and Trujillo, respectively.

READ TOO: Opposition calls on Venezuelans to form campaign “comanditos” in favor of Machado

After being detained “arbitrarily, without a court order”, according to the anti-Chavista group, the three collaborators of the candidate of the main opposition coalition in this year’s presidential elections were victims of a “enforced disappearance for 27 days”, in addition to “criminalizedthrough social media, through regime spokespersons.”

“They were denied the right to due process and were not allowed to communicate with their families or trusted lawyers”assured Vente Venezuela.

In this sense, the party highlighted that Camacaro, Freites and López were “victims of a systematic pattern of human rights violations that the regime carried out against political leaders, social leaders, human rights activists and civil society who, courageously, decided to raise their voice on behalf of the citizens” to “regain democracy”.

Come over Venezuela mentioned cases such as that of the trade unionist Victor Venegassympathizer of Axand that of the activist Rocío São Miguelarrested this year, who are “criminalized by a Mature repressive system that systematically violates the human rights”, according to the party, which also demanded the freedom of these citizens.

According to NGO Penal Forum, In the Caribbean country there are 264 “political prisoners”, one more in relation to the previous report, released a week ago.

Last January, the Chavista Government, after denouncing conspiracies that included the assassination of the head of state, activated the ‘Bolivarian Fury’, a plan to “defend the right to peace” which, however, worries NGOopponents and experts, who warn of a “rise” from the “repression and persecution” politics, months away from the presidential elections, with no set date yet.

Source: Elcomercio

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