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Luis Miguel in Lima: What was the route of the Mexican singer since he arrived in the capital?

Luis Miguel in Lima: What was the route of the Mexican singer since he arrived in the capital?

Luis Miguel in Lima: What was the route of the Mexican singer since he arrived in the capital?

The Mexican singer walks among us again, although so far he only seems to be traveling in a caravan of tinted black cars through the streets of Lima. After the arrival of Sun of Mexico Two days ago without his partner Paloma Cuevas, but with his daughter, also the singer Michelle Salas, the singer seems to be reunited with Peruvian gastronomy and some acquaintances.

After unpacking at The Westin Lima Hotel -where he is currently staying-, the singer went out to eat in the direction of the Cala restaurant, although in the middle of the way he decided to return to the hotel for unknown reasons. For her part, Michelle Salas decided to go with her husband, businessman Danilo Díaz Granados, to the Rafael restaurant in Miraflores, after asking a question on her social networks about where she should eat after her arrival in Peru.

After spending the day at the hotel, Luis Miguel would leave on Thursday night for a dinner with some businessmen and bankers at an apartment in San Isidro, with his daughter and son-in-law. They would stay there until the wee hours of the morning, at which time, after listening to a group of followers sing harangues, the artist would approach the balcony at 2:00 am to send greetings and throw a towel with his perfume for the ceremony. lucky person who managed to catch it.

The artist is expected to go out again to try Peruvian food once again before the two dates of his concerts at the National Stadium on Saturday the 24th and Sunday the 25th, of which at the close of this note only tickets are available for the second date through Teleticket.

Source: Elcomercio

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