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Will Smith in his darkest moment: Why was his appearance at Coachella an act planned to the millimeter?

Will Smith in his darkest moment: Why was his appearance at Coachella an act planned to the millimeter?

Will Smith in his darkest moment: Why was his appearance at Coachella an act planned to the millimeter?

On the night of Sunday, March 27, 2022, Will Smith had the opportunity to become relevant again due to his nomination for Oscar for Best Actor for “King Richard.” His best moment had already passed almost thirty years ago, when his series “The Fresh Prince of Rap” ended with high audiences and his face also began to appear in the cinema with films like “Bad Boys” and “Day of the Dead”. independence”. In the 2000s he was nominated for an Oscar twice, for “Ali” and “The Pursuit of Happyness,” but he didn’t win anything. But that night was his night, he entered as his favorite. Nothing could go wrong.

Hours later, everyone was talking about Will Smith. He was the news, not by taking the Oscarwho did win, but for the slap he gave to Chris Rock, who presented one of the awards and who had the idea of ​​making jokes about the nominee’s wife. Smith stood up, walked quickly towards the stage without actually running, and grabbed his big hand. “Leave my wife’s name out of your fucking mouth!”Smith shouted from his seat, to the disbelief of those present; The face of Lupita Nyong’o, his neighbor, was also the reaction of all the spectators.

Here the romance between the actor and the audience ended, a feeling replaced by sanctions, criticism and, what is worse for a career, jokes that seem to never end. There is no post that the actor makes on Instagram that does not include a reference to the attack. And Rock? He, in his right as a victim, has billed telling the story in his sole proprietorship.

And then came Will Smith’s participation in Coachella. The singer came on stage after the Colombian J Balvin, dressed in a black suit and sunglasses, dressed to sing the song from the movie “Men in Black”, complete with an eye-catching choreography of green aliens. One more step in his campaign to wash his image, perhaps the most risky so far. That he appeared at a music festival and not in something related to cinema is a way to distance himself from the attack, in addition to reconnecting with his roots. Since he knows that everyone will remind him of what he did, he prefers to be the one who makes the connection between one thing or another: during the presentation the phrase appeared “Dance in your darkest moments.”

But what darkness does Will Smith live in? First, that he is banned from attending the Oscar gala at least until 2032. Second, that his intimate life remains under discussion after the revelations of his wife, Jada Pinkett-Smith, who said that they have been together for 7 years. separated; In fact, it is known that she was surprised when, during the slapping scandal, her actor called her “wife,” a term he had not used in a long time.

“That Will Smith appeared at a music festival and not in something related to cinema is a way to distance himself from the attack, in addition to reconnecting with his roots.”

But perhaps the biggest blow was that the charity he ran with his wife closed. Because? Donations stopped coming, something that is blamed on the slapping incident. As Variety points out, in 2020 and 2021 the organization received 1.7 and 2.1 million dollars, respectively; In 2022, the money dropped to only 365 thousand dollars. And precisely charitable foundations are ideal for washing the faces of artists.

Sources close to the couple indicate that both will continue making donations, but privately. But if anyone needs help, it is the singer, who two years after the decision that changed his life, still does not see the light at the end of the tunnel; assuming that this exists in his case.

Source: Elcomercio

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