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Attacks, murders, naval attacks… Between Israel and Iran, 45 years of fighting in between

Attacks, murders, naval attacks… Between Israel and Iran, 45 years of fighting in between

Attacks, murders, naval attacks… Between Israel and Iran, 45 years of fighting in between

This time the attack was frontal. Iran sent drones and missiles into Israel on Saturday night, a first for the bitter enemies whose bitter but indirect rivalry has weakened the Middle East for four decades. “Neither the region nor the world can afford another war,” said António Guterres, UN Secretary-General, this Sunday, April 14.

It is difficult to imagine such an outcome even fifty years ago, when the two countries were still… friends. “Iran was practically Israel’s only ally in the region,” recalls Vincent Lemire, a professor of history at Gustave-Eiffel University and an expert on the Middle East. In 1950, Iran under the Shah even became the second Muslim country to recognize the Jewish state, two years after its creation. “They had scientific and cultural cooperation. These two states know each other very well and also respect each other,” the historian rewinds. The Jewish Mossad even helped create Savak, the sinister police force of the Pahlavi regime.

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Source: Le Parisien

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