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Ludwika Paleta explores the complexity of motherhood in the film “After”

The Polish actress naturalized Mexican Ludwika Paleta calls into question the idea of ​​motherhood that sees everything and knows everything about its sons and daughters, in its leading role in the film ‘After’, which had its premiere at the International Film Festival in Guadalajara (western Mexico ).

Paleta stated in an interview with EFE that her role as a mother and her character as Carmen in the film helped her reaffirm the idea that the relationship with children is not always transparent.

“You don’t know anything about your children (…) there will be many mothers who deny it, who say, no, I know everything about my children and then they get this blow of reality where they realize that they don’t “It was like that and that your children hide from you precisely what you don’t want to know,” he claimed.

The film directed by Mexican Sofía Gómez Córdova tells the story of Carmen, a single mother who faces the loss of her only son, Jorge, and who in grieving discovers that the young man was hiding important aspects of his life from her that she reconstructs from of the people who were close to him.

“Children are the furthest thing from what you think they are, not only do they have their own life, but adolescence arrives, where it is very clear that they want to get rid of you as much as possible, especially the male children, while they are little. , you are their world, as a mother you are their everything and when they are finding their identity, they move as far away as possible”he expressed.

The film and television actress shares credits with her son Nicolás Haza, who began his career in acting and who gave more realism to the apparently intimate and close relationship that her characters have in the story.

“I believed that the two of us could tell this story with an extra ingredient, which is the complicity that has existed since he was born and that is full of experiences and things that otherwise are built with less time, that can be achieved in the fiction, but it was much more intimate, much more personal,” he pointed.

In parallel, the film touches on topics such as sexual preferences and abortion, in an attempt to send a message of tolerance, said director Sofia Gómez Córdova.

“For me personally, approaching that (sexuality) from a normal perspective is something that no one really should ask, that is, it is not anyone’s business other than the person, and in my view it is one of the issues with which “that we can fight against intolerance”he assured.

The different ways of being a mother are revealed not only in the protagonist’s relationship with her son, but also in the difficult bond with her own mother, as well as in the decision to terminate an unwanted pregnancy that Gema, Jorge’s girlfriend, takes. .

“I don’t intend to give a speech or tell people what to think, but I do intend to put those pieces there as part of the general feminine context and the general reflections that women have to make and the decisions we face whether we decide being mothers as if not and that I think are important to address”, the director explained.

The director hopes to find a distributor to be able to screen the film in movie theaters in Mexico and then find a streaming platform where it can be available to the entire public.

With information from EFE

Source: Elcomercio

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