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Dilbert Aguilar, saved from death: his story of struggle, faith, what he said about ‘Ñañita’ and more in INTERVIEW

Music is my life, it gave me strength, emotional and economic support, and the armor to not feel less than anyone. Although I must confess that I have never been discriminated against or excluded in anything; On the contrary, they have always applauded me for this beautiful talent that God gave me.”, comments the singer proudly.

The Little Giant of Cumbia was born and raised in Jaén. Polio prevented him from walking until he was four years old. During that time, rehabilitation played an important role in improving his quality of life on a physical, psychological and social level.

According to what my parents and older brothers tell me, I was crawling on the floor. As a result, I fractured my spine. When I was little it was not noticeable, but when I grew up and could walk, the deviation became more noticeable.“, remember. “He could have died at eight months, but God did not want it that way”, he reflects with gratitude.

When he turned twelve, Aguilar Fernández underwent a growth rod implant to correct the curvature of his spine. Unfortunately, a year and a half later the implant had to be removed after his body rejected the treatment.

Giant of talent

Dilbert is 1.45 m tall. His height, although small, contrasts deeply with his enormous musical talent and the courage with which he faces every obstacle.

Since my dad gave me my first guitar at age eight, I’ve been perfecting my craft. My passion for music was born in my neighborhood and my school in Jaén. What started as a game, a hobby, little by little became my livelihood. My initial idea was to be an engineer or a doctor, but destiny led me to the place where I really belong.”, he points out.

Upon finishing school, the singer traveled to the capital to study at the university. He entered the Faculty of Systems of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, but shortly after he abandoned his degree to dedicate himself fully to his musical projects.

My dad didn’t want me to study in Lima; He cared about my physique, who would take care of me and cook for me. But I was always very risky and a warrior. I like the adrenaline; I wanted to take on the world, investigate and grow. Eventually, I left college to sing. I joined a group, started making money, and more than 34 years later, I’m still at it.”, he comments with satisfaction.

In the early 2000s, after being part of La Gran Familia de Comas and Agua Dulce, Dilbert created his own group called Orquesta la Tribu.

I evolved very quickly. Music changed my life, but it wasn’t until I started working with producer Nílver Huárac, as part of the staff orchestra of the program ‘La Movida de los Sábados’, that my popularity really took off. He always supported me and empowered me, he was like a father to me.“, Explain.

Currently, he has more than 350 recorded songs and more than 10 studio albums. Among his most popular songs are “My Last Tears,” “Vuela Palomita,” and “Agonía de Amor,” among others. As a composer, he collaborated in 2001 with the television series “Mil oficios,” creating its main theme, “El rey del recurseo.”

Love and transformation

Dilbert Aguilar not only made people talk in music, but also in love. The singer had a twelve-year romance with the model Claudia Portocarrero. They lived together and decided not to have children so as not to truncate Claudia’s rising career on the catwalks and television. Although the relationship seemed very solid and stable, it finally came to an end in 2012.

We wore each other out and separated in a nice, friendly way, without anger. We realized that we were more friends than a couple. Now, we are still friends and family. We always call each other by phone”, narrates the singer.

After their separation, Dilbert met Jazmín Gutarra, his current partner and mother of his last daughter. “After Claudia I had several relationships, but when I met Jazmín, everything changed. She transformed me because I have a lot of respect for family, work and the time we have left.”, he assures.

imminent fear

Dilbert is the father of three daughters and his greatest concern is ensuring the well-being of his family. “I am very afraid of dying and not leaving my family well positioned.“, he confesses, clarifying that his fear of death intensified four months ago, when he was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the EsSalud Hospital in Angamos due to pneumonia with the beginning of pulmonary fibrosis.

I used to self-medicate, but over time, this practice had serious consequences. I collapsed due to a flu and cough; I self-medicated and eventually my oxygen saturation dropped below 60. Since I have oxygen tanks for high altitude situations, I got used to using them regularly. That’s when my wife, worried, immediately took me to Angamos hospital. On the same day of my admission, I was transferred to the ICU, where I stayed for three days, followed by four more days in Intermediate Care. It was a very hard experience”recalls the singer.

Seeing people die around me increased my greatest fear: ceasing to exist without being able to carry out my projects. In the midst of this situation, I asked God to let me know in advance when my time would come so that I could properly say goodbye to my loved ones and position my orchestra in a better place because I feel that it has not yet arrived where it needs to be.”, he emphasizes.

Vaccination campaign

It should be noted that Dilbert Aguilar joined other artists to record the campaign song “Yo si me vacuno”, which encourages Peruvians to continue getting vaccinated. This initiative seeks to counteract the decline in vaccination rates in our society, promoting the prevention of multiple diseases and highlighting the importance of immunization for collective well-being.

Source: Elcomercio

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