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Coumba will file a complaint against the authors of insulting messages

“We may not agree with my attitude, my choices and my decisions (…), but insults have no place, especially for a program like Koh-Lanta. “In his story posted Sunday on his Instagram account, Coumba, candidate for the anniversary edition of the adventure game being broadcast on TF1, announced his decision to file a complaint against Internet users who send him insulting messages.

The thirty-something, who notably eliminated Candice when she had pleaded for a 100% female alliance, is attacked by part of the public via social networks. She gave an overview of the insulting messages and indicated that “a public insult is punished by the law of 1881 (article 33), which punishes it with a fine of 12,000 euros. “

Support for adventurers

“I have rights, like everyone else. As a public figure, in quotes, I have to denounce this kind of behavior which is illegal, ”she declared during this video. “I’m not doing it for my personal interest, because, to touch myself, you really have to go”, continues the thirty-something who wants above all to set an example for those who are victims of cyberstalking and dare nothing to do.

“I am thinking in particular of middle school students, high school students, school bullying,” adds Coumba. Sometimes it has dramatic outcomes, like suicide. “You can talk to an adult about it and then ask your parents to go and file a complaint with you. You have rights, ”she concluded, addressing the young people.

Several candidates from Koh-Lanta, the legend, such as Claude, Alix, Sam and Cindy have shown their support.


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