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Legislature: Patrick Dray, right-hand man of the Senate President… candidate for Assemblyman.

Assembly… for someone else. Although Patrick Dray, Gérard Larcher’s right-hand man and political adviser, knows the Senate by heart, he is the LR candidate in the legislative elections and hopes to join the semi-circle of the National Assembly in early July. He is running in the 14th constituency of Paris, in the 16th arrondissement (Auteuil and La Muette arrondissements), against the outgoing MP Benjamin Haddad of the presidential majority.

A very political district… where, in particular, Nicolas Sarkozy lives. He also hosted Benjamin Haddad in the last legislative elections of 2022 in his office, as did then LR candidate Francis Spiner, mayor of the 16th arrondissement and today LR senator for Paris.

With Larcher and Retailo about his religion

Patrick Dray intends to take this position. Having received the full support of Gérard Larcher, his candidacy was approved by the Republicans (by the “Republican and Independent Right”, not by Eric Ciotti) in the nomination committee and submitted to the prefecture.

Patrick Dray, long overshadowed by Gerard Larcher, Valéry Pecresse and François Fillon, with whom he worked, wanted to enter politics on his own behalf. Last time, in the European elections, he wanted to appear on the Republican list. If Gérard Larcher had supported him and negotiated with Eric Ciotti (who promised him) a suitable position, the LR president would have ended up favoring other candidates. Seeing that he would be in an unacceptable position, Patrick Dray eventually refused. A case that ultimately poisoned the relationship between Eric Ciotti and Gerard Larcher, who did not particularly appreciate the “bad manners” of the President of the Republic of Lithuania.

Regarding the profession of faith, the President of the Senate, Gerard Larcher, and the leader of the senators, L. R. Bruno Retayo, clearly support the candidacy of Patrick Dray.

Source: Le Parisien

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