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The Queen of England Elisabeth II is already back in Windsor after her hospitalization

The UK is breathing. After a whirlwind stay in hospital, Queen Elisabeth II returned home to Windsor Castle on Thursday. According to his doctors, nothing would justify maintaining his hospitalization. Specialists from King Edward VII Hospital in London, however, recommended that the monarch take care, as reported by the Guardian.

The concern was great as the Queen had canceled a visit to Northern Ireland at the last minute. In particular, she was to meet the inhabitants of the nation’s first city to be granted royal status, Hillsborough.

If many of her subjects seem to want her immortal, Elisabeth II no longer manages to hide her great age. Much affected by the death of her husband, Prince Philip, in April, she appeared last week walking with the help of a cane. A first since 2004, when she had knee surgery.

Anyway, this new passage through the hospital, which officially has nothing to do with the coronavirus, is not major, according to Buckingham Palace: if the queen spent a night in the hospital , it is for “practical reasons”. “After receiving medical advice to rest for a few days, the Queen went to the hospital on Wednesday afternoon for preliminary examinations. She returned to Windsor Castle for lunch today and remains in a good mood, ”said a spokesperson for Prince Charles’ mother.


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