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Ed Sheeran tested positive for Covid-19 ahead of album release

British pop star Ed Sheeran announced on Sunday that he had tested positive for Covid-19, less than a week before the highly anticipated release of his new album. “A quick word to tell you that I unfortunately tested positive for Covid and that I am therefore putting myself in isolation”, wrote on his Instagram account the composer and performer of the worldwide success Shape of You (2017).

“So I’m not going to be able to fulfill my commitments in person at the moment and I’m going to make the most of the interviews and performances planned from home,” continued the 30-year-old singer who lives in Suffolk, in the east. from England.

A new sui falls particularly badly …

His next album, “=», Is due out on Friday, October 29, so he had performances and interviews planned in this context. Ed Sheeran performed at Prince William’s Earthshot Climate Awards on October 17 in London, and his new album marks the return of the singer, who took a break after the birth at the summer 2020 of his daughter. The United Kingdom, one of the countries most affected by the pandemic in Europe with nearly 140,000 deaths, is currently experiencing one of the highest rates of contamination in the world.

Thanks to vaccination, the number of hospitalizations and deaths remains lower than in previous waves but is increasing, pushing more and more scientists to demand the return of certain restrictions such as wearing a mask indoors, which is refused for the government instant.


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