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How does this disease manifest and how is it disabling?

We know a little better about narcolepsy – or Gélineau’s disease – since the film Narco, with Guillaume Canet, who treated, in 2003, the subject in a humorous way. But if we know that this neurological sleep disorder can cause those who are affected to doze off suddenly, often spectacularly, it is difficult to imagine the consequences.

It is also to inform that American narcoleptics tell their daily life via videos posted on the TikTok platform. We thus discover the devastation that this condition can cause on their personal and/or professional life: “I lost my job today; they fired me because of my illness”, testifies a young patient.

A disease more common than you think

Often misdiagnosed because taken for a depressive or anxiety syndrome, narcolepsy – often associated with cataplexy, a sudden loss of muscle tone – yet affects one in 2,000 people (in the United States). Discover the poignant testimonies of victims of this condition in this video by our partner Brut.

Source: 20minutes

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