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Brand new Minister of Health promoted product without scientific evidence

One of the most striking appointments in the new ministerial cabinet of Pedro Castillo was that of the doctor Hernán Condori Machado as headline of Ministry of Healthnot only because have an ongoing investigation by the anti-corruption prosecutor’s officebut because it promoted a substance to which multiple beneficial properties for health are attributed, but which does not have scientific evidence.

Shortly after his appointment as head of the minsasomething of the resume of Condori Machado: was director of the Chanchamayo Health Network between 2011 and 2014, and was appointed regional director of the Junín Regional Health Directorate. But a video also appeared -of which the exact date is not known- where it appears,

In the video, Condori introduces himself as a medical surgeon -although the doctor’s office from where he records bears his name attends obstetric patients- and explains that there are different types of water, including ”clustered water”and points out that “It is what we are born with and, as the years go by, we lose it.”

The brand new minister indicates that this loss is the “causing a series of metabolic disorders” that “cause diseases”. Add that

According the new health ministerif a little cap of that is diluted “clustered water” in a liter of spring water and should be consumed throughout the day.

What is clustered water?

“Clustered water is water with its molecules arranged, like a hexagon”, Minister Condori explains in the video. , thus increasing the absorption of food supplements.

The interesting thing is that, when searching Google for more information about this “clustered water”, there are about 13,000 results, most of them talking about related products. However, when the search is done with the concept “hexagonal water” things change. Something like the different names that MMS received over time (miracle mineral supplement, master mineral solution, miracle mineral solution, etc.).

To date, there are more than 6.8 million results for this concept, also linked to “structured water”. However, when searching different databases of scientific studies, there is no evidence related to the properties attributed to it. The truth is that water adopts a hexagonal structure only when it turns into ice.

But does it work or not?

According to the information on the product’s website, Cluster X2 achieves the key functions of more efficient distribution of essential nutrients, increased cellular hydration, improved cell function and communication, and the ability to promote elimination of waste and toxins.

Of course, all of them have an asterisk next to them and below it is detailed that

It also recommended the use of ivermectin and azithromycin

In another video shared on facebookbut in April of last year, the now Minister Condori Machado appears providing some recommendations to prevent COVID-19 infections.

In addition to recommending isolation, good ventilation of environments and constant hydration for those infected, it refers to the consumption of ivermectin and azithromycin

“The treatment is controversial, the management [de pacientes con COVID-19]. Because the use of ivermectin… there are scientific works that show that yes [funciona]… ivermectin in the first stage of the disease. One drop for each kilo of weight. If you weigh 60 kilos, 60 drops for two days. The use of azithromycin is controversial, but we are giving it. One tablet for five days […] Already in hospital management, if there is pulmonary compromise, a compromise in which… leukocytosis appears in the blood count, suddenly marked, we begin to use hospital-managed antibiotics…”indicates in the video the new head of the Minsa.

In March of 202, a month before the publication of that video, the Minsa had already announced that would stop the use of ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19 “because it is useless”. In the case of azithromycin, the Ministry of Health had already withdrawn it from the treatment guidelines against COVID-19 since October 2020.

Source: Elcomercio

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