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A complaint filed in Rouen against Ferrero after the alleged intoxication of a two-year-old child

An investigation has already been opened by the Belgian courts. After the discovery of cases of salmonellosis in Europe, linked to products from the Kinder chocolate factory in Arlon, investigations are continuing. The aim is to establish possible responsibilities within the plant.
In Normandy, a mother also wants to understand the underside of this “FerreroGate”. Residing in Val-de-Reuil (Eure), she filed a complaint on Friday before the public prosecutor of the Rouen judicial court (Seine-Maritime) against the company Ferrero, for “deception”, announces Paris Normandy. Was her two-year-old son hospitalized for eating Kinder chocolates?

“A bacterium called campylobacter, close to salmonella”

“The child was infected with a bacterium called campylobacter, present in contaminated milk and which is similar to salmonella”, explains to the regional daily, Me Jérémy Kalfon, the family lawyer.

Was this bacteria present in this candy? The child quickly felt violent symptoms of food poisoning (high fever, diarrhea, vomiting) and was taken to hospital where he remained for several days, details France 3 Normandy.
The box of chocolates was indeed part of the recalled batches and in front of the symptoms of the boy, doctors would have quickly suspected the chocolate ingested. The investigation (if it is opened) will have to demonstrate this.
In the regional media, the angry mother, via her lawyer, also let it be known that she contacted Ferrero customer service. Answer ? “She got kicked out and was just told: you don’t give chocolate to a two-year-old child.” An unwelcome response that would have pushed her to go to court.

Source: 20minutes

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