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Nearly 95% of laboratories closed, consequence of the strike of liberal biologists

Nearly 95% of laboratories closed, consequence of the strike of liberal biologists

Nearly 95% of laboratories closed, consequence of the strike of liberal biologists

The strike, massively followed, affects almost all of the private medical analysis laboratories in France. With 95% of the 4,200 medical analysis laboratories closed in France on Monday, liberal biologists are protesting against the planes provided for in the Social Security budget.

“We are all mobilized because the government refuses to hear us and to dialogue”, explained Alain Le Meur, spokesman for the Alliance of medical biology, which brings together the four unions and the large groups of private laboratories.

But the government intends instead to impose a drop in prices on all acts of medical analysis. “I will not give up on this subject”, underlined the Minister of Public Accounts Gabriel Atal. Before pointing to the “high profitability” of the sector, “increased from 18% to 30%” in favor of the health crisis.

A three-day strike

“Truncated or even manipulated figures, with the aim of making us look like war profiteers”, retorted Aurélie François, general manager of Eurofins Biologie Médicale, assuring that the minister confused gross margin and net profits, passed them by 12% to 16% of a turnover boosted by a screening policy “with all your might, on the express order of the government”.

Party to last three days, this sling will end Wednesday evening and “all the labs will be open Thursday morning”, indicated Thierry Bouchet, president of the Syndicate of clinical biology laboratories.

Source: 20minutes

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