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For Health, Choose Classic Plain Yogurts

Stirred, liquid or solid, plain, flavored or with fruit, etc. Despite a slight decrease in sales due to inflation, yoghurts are still popular in France. In fact, according to the professional organization Syndifrais, each of us ingests an average of more than 120 cans a year. This is good news because the reputation of these natural health products has not been usurped, as explained by renowned nutritionist Jean-Michel Cohen, author of the books “Food is Better for Dummies” and “Mediterranean Salads” published by First Editions. Provided that you know how to choose them correctly, because many dairy products sold in the ultra-fresh department look like yogurts, but do not have such qualities.

Why do you recommend yogurt?

JEAN-MICHEL COHEN. These dairy products are interesting because they contain protein and calcium (approximately 150 mg per can), a mineral necessary for maintaining bone capital. In addition, the two strains of bacteria used to turn warm milk into yogurt (Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus) convert lactose into lactic acid, which improves digestibility as well as calcium absorption. These enzymes also promote gut health by promoting microbiota balance. Classic plain yogurt is also low in fat, with 1.5g of fat per 100g compared to about 3g in bifidus yogurt. It is also a good source of vitamin B12, which is essential for the production of red blood cells and proper brain function.

Which ones to choose?

Shelves with yogurt have many pitfalls. The best everyday option is traditional plain yogurt. It provides only 40 kcal per 125g jar, while whole milk fruit yogurt can contain up to 110 kcal! So it’s better to add real pieces of fruit inside yourself. You should also be wary of low-fat titles because zero-fat yogurt doesn’t necessarily contain sugar. Drinking yoghurts should also be limited because most of them contain too much sugar. These products, mainly intended for children, give young people a sweet taste.

What about dairy desserts?

Although these crème brulee, floating islands, Liège, Viennese and other pies are made from milk, they are more like desserts than dairy products, even though they are classified as such in supermarkets. As a rule, they include a large number of ingredients: systematically sugar and according to the recipe whipped cream, chestnut cream, eggs, chocolate, jam, etc. Therefore, they are treats and by no means yogurt! Their calorie content can reach 180 kcal per 100 g, which is really redundant. Therefore, their tasting should remain from time to time, a maximum of once or twice a week, while keeping an eye on the size of the jars, which tend to increase. Regardless of the brand, I recommend choosing the simplest recipes, without filling and adding sweets, such as semolina or rice porridge.

Source: Le Parisien

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