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Europa Park highly criticized for its colorful sanitary “bracelets”

Europa Park highly criticized for its colorful sanitary “bracelets”

Europa Park highly criticized for its colorful sanitary “bracelets”

In Germany, as in France, a health pass system has been set up to access places open to the public. Their equivalent, 3G, “Geimpft, getestet, oder genesen”, or “vaccination, test or remission”, is particularly necessary to enter the Europa Park theme park. But the site has also imposed the wearing of colored bracelets on its visitors, each color representing a vaccination status, reports The world, relayed by International mail.

This measure, seen as an invasion of privacy, was strongly criticized on social networks after its implementation in early August. The fact of having also imposed this system on children from the age of 6 has been denounced in particular. “It was simply a question of finding a solution as practical and clear as possible”, explained to The world the spokesperson for the park. The colored bracelets had been chosen to facilitate the checks of the various documents.

Bracelets soon in France?

The park finally changed its system on August 19. Now all bracelets are white. A complete vaccine schedule against Covid-19, a negative antigen test of less than 24 hours or a negative PCR test of less than 28 hours are still required to enter the amusement park. For stays of more than one day at Europa Park, non-vaccinated visitors will have to be tested daily.

The installation of a bracelet to streamline health pass controls at the entrance to bars and restaurants has also been proposed in France. The first experiment, carried out in Gironde, was finally suspended on August 19 after less than a day of testing, in order to “clarify the contours of the operation”.


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