We should all check our breasts at least once a month (Picture: Getty)

Breast cancer charity CoppaFeel! has put together a guide for easy self-examination. If you do one thing this week…

Checking your breasts is something we should all get used to every month. Everyone has breast tissue, which means you can get breast cancer regardless of your gender. Your breast tissue is the area from your ribcage to your collarbone and armpits.

Whether you’re talking about your breasts, pecs, chest, breasts, or something else, it’s important to know what’s normal for your body. Being breast aware and developing a regular check-up routine doesn’t happen overnight.

The key to sticking with it, as with many things in life, is practice.

Aim for once a month, although it may be helpful to check more often for the first two months so you feel more comfortable with what you’re doing and how your body is changing over the month.


Your six-pointed guide:

Look for changes in size, girth, or shape, as well as skin changes such as wrinkles or dimples. Tip: You may find it easier to use a mirror and, if you are able, look to your side with your arms up and down.

Note any changes in the skin, such as wrinkles or dimples, or nodules, bumps, or thickening of the skin that is different from the other side.

If you notice anything unusual, don’t panic. Your breasts can change over time. What you are feeling right now may be perfectly normal for you, but if in doubt, always get checked. If you notice anything new or unusual about yourself, talk to your doctor.
